Thursday, October 25, 2012

Just some ramblings

What’s with all the truck tire carcasses in the roads these days?  It’s like they are everywhere? Can we not build tired to stay together anymore?

And how is it that suddenly oil prices and gas prices are falling again? thought we had this huge shortage?????

Why is paving streets such a big deal?  We can build a bridge to nowhere, but potholes are ruining the drives in Dallas.

Do we really need a $180,000 a year public relations officer for the Dallas School district? Answer NO.

Just heard that running for a city council seat in Dallas costs you at a minimum $250,000.  (Some districts as high as a millions bucks.) The job pays $30,000.  Seems to be there is some major room for graft management here.

Tony Romo?  Really?

Everybody is lamenting all the depletion of Ranger bats in their line up and the loss of power.  Watch the Giants. Pennants are won with great defense and even better pitching. Detroit, too.

Tony Romo?  Really?

Now that Big Texas has burned down, I’ve got a good job for Rick Perry…hummmm.

University of Texas at Austin says it uses race as a qualifier in admissions.  I thought just a few years ago we marched in the streets to stop that shit.

Just noticed that my drive-up ATM machine has a section for brail instructions. Really?

Ohio just decided that it could not execute a man because he had the flu. They would have to wait until he recovered. Really? Thank God he doesn’t have a beard, in the military he couldn’t even go on trial.

Jerry Jones. Really?

Had Mack Brown lost to Baylor last weekend he might have lost his job at UT. But then again, we would have won salvation for life at any Baptist church in the state.

Want to know how important football is in Texas. The UT system loses about a million dollars in product sales if UT has a losing weekend on the gridiron. Or said differently, UT makes about a million dollar more in product sales during a winning weekend as compared to a losing weekend. Numbers are apparently pretty close to the same at TAMU.

Jerry Jones. Tony Romo. Really?

Anybody know who has made the huge difference in Houston this year. Wade Phillips. That name ring a bell.  Maybe Jason was the problem with the offense after all.

Jason Garrett?  Really?

Here’s to Dallas play calling.  First Down –right side off tackle run.  Second down – left side of tackle run. Third down. Go long.  Forth down – punt.

Jason Garrett? Really?

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