Tuesday, March 13, 2012

A shout out to the Baylor Bears

I’m a T-sip…that means I went to the University of Texas at Austin.  I bleed burnt orange. And I remember when Baylor was the laughing stock of the old Southwest Conference.  And when that cadre of cousins was dissolving and blending into what was then the Big 8, I often wondered why the powers that be chose Baylor over TCU or Houston or Rice or a host of other schools.

But now the Bears have vindicated any one who supported them with devotion and prayers. The Green and Gold is on the same footing, if not better, than any team in the conference in both men’s and women’s athletics. For that matter, Baylor is a national player now.

They have even managed their way through an embarrassing scandal and handled it with true Baptist stiff-upper lip strength.  And they came out the other side a better, stronger institution.

Now, can we do something about those uniforms?

Just kidding.  I wanted to do a call out to Baylor Bears as we enter March Madness.  A great year on the gridiron and the hardwoods have been kind as well.

Go Bears.

By the way, the reason the Big 12 went with Baylor is that Texas – the big TV market – is running over with Baptist who get all fanatical when the Green and Gold are winning.  It is like watching a Catholic Mass right after a Notre Dame victory. If that’s not Latin they are speaking then the Fish-eaters are speaking in tongues.

Waco is no South Bend.  Thank God.  It is a lot nicer. Warmer, too.  And the golden dome at Notre Dame is ever so outnumbered by the multiple golden domes of Baylor, but in the south, Baylor has become the Notre Dame of the Baptist.  And the bears are fighting to prove they belong in the limelight.

As the Bears go, so goes the faith of the faithful.  And this year, they are walking on water.  So let’s raise our glasses (of pop, of course) to Baylor. 

Sick ‘em Bears.

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