Saturday, March 17, 2012

I pricked a nerve. I'm glad.

Yesterday, I struck a nerve.

I have received literally hundreds of emails and twitters and comments about the Race issue.  (112 at the writing of this blog.) I thank everyone who sent in comments and who responded to the article. Almost all (notice I said almost) came from people who agreed with me that race should be left behind.  That we should again strive to be one people: Americans.

But (remember I said almost), I did get two specific letters that convinced me writing the blog was important.  One came from an old college friend now living in Florida. He writes, “I can’t believe you have gotten so left-wing.  You write like a communist. Love all the black people you want, Larry (that’s what they called me in college) but they have no business running our country.”

The second email came from a woman I had debated about this very topic twice before, She resides in that precious parcel of land we refer to lovingly as East Texas. “The fact that our president is black is not a problem. You made it a problem raising the race card (Notice from the original blog I wasn’t the one who raised it, I was merely responding to the awful bumper sticker circulating the web).  …those people want more and more authority and control.  They don’t want to work and they want us to support them and all their illegitimate kids. Before you know it, there won’t be room left in our country for us.”

I rest my case.

Pray for America if you believe in God.  Pray for America even if you don’t believe in God.  That’s how bad it has become.

Again I ask you, forget race. Let us concentrate our energies not on our colors, our religions, or our creeds – but rather concentrate our energies on finding solutions that will make America a better place for ALL OF US to live.

Race should be dead in America. This is 2012 not 1955.

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