Monday, March 12, 2012

A rush to injustice.

A lot of you are going to disagree with me today. That’s fine. That’s what America is all about.  The freedom to make up your own mind and to express your opinions.

Which is exactly what today’s blog is about.  There has been much talk in the media recently of forcing Rush Linbaugh off the air via the FCC. Sorry.  I am against that.  The government does not have the right or authority to silence an idiot. Even a politically active idiot has the right to shout like a wild hyena at the moon.

We call it the First Amendment.  It is in our Bill of Rights.  That, for those of you who have forgotten or went to Dallas Public Schools, is in the U.S. Constitution. Penned primarily by Thomas Jefferson, because he felt the Constitution as adopted in Philadelphia, gave too much power to the central government and didn’t protect “people” enough.  So your freedom of speech, freedom to gather, freedom of religion, freedom to bare arms, freedom from having to house soldiers, etc; are all ideas that the framers of our laws agreed with Jefferson and said, these first ten amendments are cherished rights in this Union.

And as much as you hate his vile words and slanderous notions, Rush has a right to spout them off. Just as you have the right to fire off emails against him and plan boycotts against his advertisers.  Which is far more effective way of removing him from the airwaves, than simply crying to the FCC – who, by the way, have their hands tied both by the courts and by constitutional and statue law.

You see, if you take away Rush’s voice, reason stands you take away your own voice. Now the bullies of the airwaves do not realize this, for they fear anyone who speaks out against them as being treasonous against the USA. But the reality is, if you believe in your freedoms and want to preserve them, you have to grant those same rights to your adversary – even when he is a big. pig, racist.

Rush will always be Rush.  Until someone takes from him the one thing he must have – Cash.  Advertising cash. Then the powers that be in places such as Clear Channel Broadcasting will think Rush’s time is up and he will go away to some 1,000 watt Am station in Missouri or Kansas where he will have an audience of 300.

As long as you chant to bring him down – to silence him with governmental means– you are just fueling his argument.  You are trying to use big government to trample out his rights.  Your rights, too.

No, to unplug Rush, use the free enterprise method: stop the cash.

Then the mouth will be silenced.

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