Sunday, February 19, 2012

Men think they are in charge

Men think they are in charge.

They always have.  Ever since tribes roamed the deserts, herding goats on sprigs of grass scattered in the rocky sand, men have believed that they were in charge. They wrote powerful words of warning on papyrus to prove it.  They wrote books to seal the argument; created scriptures to make it religious and therefore the passage of truth from God to man.

They built shrines to the myth.  Passed laws to preserve it and even educated hundreds of generations to follow the foolishness.

Yes, men have presumed that they were in charge.

Then they crossed the line.  They told women what they could and could not do with their bodies when it came to reproduction.  They tried to hide it in the context of theology – of law – of society; but they went too far.

It was one thing to have given them the right to vote, but to give women the right to say what, how and when they would do with their bodies – and do as they pleased –was more than men could stand. So they tried to pass laws to control women – to put them in their place. To rein them back in.

Men think they are in charge.

The Catholic priests and bishops who want you to believe they stand on high moral ground want you to think that men are in charge.  It is ordained of God. But women scoff at them.  After all, they were the ones who hid pedophiles in their midst for generations. – sick men who preyed on youngsters – who defiled innocent lives.  And those men want to stand on the high moral ground and preach to the rest of us.  They want us to listen to their righteous pontificating. 90+% of their female parishioners don’t even listen to them.  They don’t follow their silly rules.  They tune out the empty rhetoric that comes from Rome and from the local pulpit.

Women have had enough.

Women have seen through the ruse. Men are not in charge.

Women have a say in their lives. They are not slaves. They are not some herd of cattle to be corralled and controlled. Women have brains on their shoulders and they see through the crap.  They understand the issues.

This past week a Congressional subcommittee held meetings about the Obama administration policy on contraception.  And the chairman of the committee (a man) did not allow a single woman to step forward and address the needs and the problems faced by women at Catholic institutions when it comes to obtaining insurance coverage for contraception.

Not one woman was allowed to speak.

Not one.

Yet, at the witness table was an entire line-up of white, middle-aged men some wearing the collar of the Holy Mother Church – men.  Men testifying where a woman was not allowed to speak. It reeks of Saudi Arabia, of Iran, of the Taliban; it stinks of the dark ages.

The backlash will be  deafening. The uproar will be swift and painful for those taking the wrong side. And many will. Many men will oppose them out of sheer stupidity.

Those men, the ones trying to shore up their defenses – the ramparts of an old order, have no idea what is about to come at them.

If you think the Komen Foundation debacle was big, wait until the next election. Men don’t control the voting booth. Not by a long shot. Not even close. Forget the Robert’s Court idiotic ruling on allowing corporations to buy elections.  No, women are going to control the next election. Because they are fed up with the crap. They have had enough.

Remember, not one woman was allowed to speak to Congress about their most important issue.

Not one.

Men, listen up – the bozos in Congress just gave away your power. Wish it were different, but it is not. Women will take over now. Sorry. It is history. It is their time.

Men just think they are in charge.

They don’t have a clue.

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