Tuesday, June 11, 2013

We all looking for heros. Well, I found us one.

Three weeks ago the head of the NSA appeared before Congress and swore that the program of internal espionage aimed against American citizens did not exist. Swore under oath it did not. Now he is accusing Edward Snowden, a former CIA employee, of treason against America for revealing to its citizens that the program was up and running and did exist. 

The head of the NSA called the act cowardly and treasonous.  (He was referring to Snowden's tell-all, not his own lying to Congress.) 

I don’t know about you, but I think Snowden is a hero. And the head of the NSA should be tried for Treason. If Congress asks you a question under oath, answer the damn question. Even if it hurts. Answer it.

No more secrets. No more cloak and dagger stuff. You think someone is a terrorists, then get a “real” court order and go after them. But enough of this secret court and secret warrents and secret snooping.

But do not go after Snowden. He did what any good American should do. He blew the whistle on an illegal and immoral act of spying on American citizens. I think we should put is face on a coin or a dollar.  He had the guts to tell the truth.

He is a much stronger and bigger man than the NSA chief.

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