Friday, June 14, 2013

Mr. President, you are losing my support. Fast.

First he allows Gitmo to continue to stand after campaigning to shut it down. Then he continued the Patriot Act brought to life by his predecessor President Chaney and Vice President Bush (W). Then, if that weren’t enough his administration conducted high level spying on U.S. citizens.  (This while enacting a watered-down healthcare system instead of a robust single-payer system we truly needed.)  But the straw that broke the camel’s back for me is that in today’s newspaper, Obama has said we will send supplies to the rebels in Syria. Really?  And why?  What business is of ours?

Who is going to pay for that, Mr. Obama?  Where is the money going to come from?  More slashing of infrastructure repair?  Less dollars for education? Deeper cuts in Medicare?

Enough of this stupid “Let’s police the freakin’ world” foreign policy.  Since World War II we have traversed the globe trying to make things go our way, regardless of what others want. This smacks of being a bit of a bully, sir.

I have gone on record before and written that this fight not only does not concern us, it flies in the face of the best interest of the U.S. by even dipping our toe into a religious faction war in some rat-infested desert country. If we choose the rebel’s side we are choosing to recognize Hamas and Al Qaeda. We could be throwing our support to the Sunni’s and if we choose the other side the Shiites get our vote. Neither makes me feel comfortable at all. It’s like trying to decide if you are going to support The Nazi’s or the Tea Party.

Bug out Obama. Now.  I know, every president gets to start his own war, but this one is not yours. Your job was to get us out of conflicts. Remember your promise? Out of Iraq and out of Afghanistan. Not to get us embroiled into another conflict halfway around the globe.

You have lost my support, Mr. President. Sorry.  Have your White House staff quit sending me emails asking me to pledge my support to your agenda. Your agenda seems far too Republican now for me.

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