Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Technology gone too far. Get the picture?

I recently saw a demonstration for the new Google Glasses due to hit the market in late 2014. A camera in a set of sunglasses activated by the eyes. Just to recap: we have cameras in our glasses, in our telephones and in our purses.  Where will it end?

Why do we need this?  Whatever happened to taking good ole pictures with a camera you raised to your eye, focused and shot? Whatever happened to figuring out your f stop, focal distance and timing. Or if you want to get really simple, what ever happened to point and shoot cameras?  Have we become so lame as to need cameras on our eye glasses, so we don’t have to do anything for a picture but blink? 

And what about the people on the other end of your cold stare.  It is one ting to have a box raised to an eye and a shutter open and close.  You have time to cover your face or hold up your hand. But with this new technology, everyone becomes a spy. Everyone becomes a paparazzi. Is that what we want?

I want a good camera in a box with a really good lens I can lift to my eye, focus and shoot. I want my subjects to know I am photographing them. I don’t want to be a spy or paparazzi.  I want to be a photographer with a camera. Not an interloper with really nifty spy glasses.

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