Monday, November 5, 2012

Too much TV is a bad thing for getting elected...or know when to shut up.

I was at a wedding this past weekend in one of those Midwest areas where the “swing state” Super Pac money is pouring in. OMG!I That’s a broadcast wasteland: thank you very much, United States Supreme Court.

We were with five families from Ohio who broke down as follows:  One family was Democratic, so they do not count. Another was Republican, but we will want to come back and visit with them. The remaining three were all middle-class, blue-collar independents.

The independents all said they were voting for Obama. Various reasons BUT the one common reason was that they were all tired of the “lies” (there words, not mine) that have come from the multitude of political action committees airing spot after spot on TV 24-7. And the closer to election time, the more “sensationalized they have become. One man, an immigrant was complaining that the democrats were all communists like his former country and were driving America to socialism. Interestingly he was against immigration reform.  Pretty thick Polish accent to be against immigration reform.

Now here was the interesting voice. The Republican household was solidly in for Romney. At first. Then he switched to his far-right wing stances, and they began to waver. By Tampa time they were undecided. Then Romney came storming back to the center to retrieve people like these who had left his camp, as he went and secured both the nomination and the Kock-Rove moneys. But this rapid over here-over there flip flopping turned these folks off. Then along came the non-stop badgering of the right-wing ads.  As Jack said, “Enough. I’ve voting for the President. If they are spending that much money to unseat him, he must be doing something right.”

I had never thought of it in this manner, but his wife added.  “When you have nothing to offer, you attack the other guy’s principles. That’s what the Republicans have been doing and it turns my stomach. (Remember they were in the Romany camp to begin with.) I don’t like what the political warfare has become in my country. Tell me what you believe in and then show me how you can do it. If you have to call the other guy names, you’ve got nothing. Plus there is just too much noise.”

So, here in the Midwest I found five families voting for the President. Four of which surprised me greatly. And one of these four, truly offered some real insight to both parties about future campaigning. You want to go negative – go home.

Tomorrow is election day. Go vote.  I hope your guy or gal wins.  If not, remember, it comes back around very soon. It is not the end of the world. Close – but not.

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