Friday, June 29, 2012

An open letter to Mitt the Nitwit

Mitt Romney is promising to fight Obamacare. He says it is wrong for America. Not totally wrong. But wrong enough to make it his number one goal, the first thing he plans to do if elected, in his new administration. He is going to repeal and get rid of Obamacare.

So, what is he going to replace it with? The black are his words…the red are mine. That’s what I am seeing today – red. This man is a lying son of a bitch.

He plans to get rid of Obamacare and provide us with:

Coverage for all Americans.
That is already in Obamacare.

People can keep their existing coverage.
            In Obamacare as it stands.

He wants to cut costs to seniors for prescriptions.
            Read Obamacare. It is in there. It has its own section in the law.

Make sure that people can get coverage even with pre-existing needs.
            Hello, Mitt. Have you even read the law you are going to repeal?
It is already in there. Pre-existing coverage is bedrock – a corner stone of Obamacare.

Allow people to move jobs or even move states and still keep their policies.
            Ditto.  This is getting ridiculous.
Wants to insure that states can get the federal backing to make sure every American can get affordable health care.
Mitt. It is in Obamacare. It is the Medicaid expansion program. (By the way, you need to talk to Rick Perry of Texas, he is against this. Don’t ask us why? It has something to do with giving women coverage. We don’t even know why he is still governor. But then again, until this year, in Texas you had to teach in sciene class that the Earth was but 6,000 years old.)

So, Mitt, you are going to keep every part of Obamacare ­ except the Individual mandate. But you had it in your law in Massachusetts. Why?

“We knew that we could not afford the Universal Health Act in Massachusetts without an individual mandate. It is like saying every one has to be covered by car insurance, then not making in mandatory to have car insurance. It has to be done to spread the risk and costs out over the broadest group possible.”  That is Mitt defending his plan he passed as a governor just a few years ago.

Now he says this.

“The individual mandate is a tax and it hurts middle class Americans.”

Let’s analyze this Mr. Two Tongues.

If you don’t have the mandate, you don’t get the coverage because the insurance companies will not want to cover the unprotected risk. (Remember this is all being done in the free enterprise system, NOT THE SOCAILIZM THAT RUSH SAYS IT IS.) So, if we do not have the mandate, rates go up. Costs for uninsured being treated at hospitals as charity cases fall to taxpayers and their taxes go up. And the system goes back to being the mess it was before.

The mandate, if anything, lowers the tax on middle class people, because they will now be paying for their own insurance and not Joe Blow -I -just -came -in -off –the- street- with- NO -Insurance -and -need -a -hip -replacement. That Joe Blow, if he chooses not to buy insurance, will get taxed to cover his health care needs.

That is fair. Don’t want to pay an insurance company to cover you. Okay. Pay the government in advance and it will cover you. But one way or the other, everyone has to have coverage. (Or a single payer system, but don’t get me started on that.)

So Mitt, other than working up the idiots on the right, who not only haven’t read the healthcare act, but probably can’t read to begin with, what say you start telling the truth.

Obamacare is a good thing. It will not wreck the country’s economy.  You know that. It will not put small businesses out of business.  You know that, too; yet you continue to give the old chamber of commerce speech the sky is falling, the sky is falling. It will not sink the Union. Hell, by itself, it won’t even get your opponent, Mr. Obama re-elected.

But admit it and be honest. It is good for America.

Maybe what is NOT good for America, is you, Mr. Romney. Ever thought of that?

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