Sunday, June 24, 2012

Hot town, summer in the city...

Summer is here and it is time for cookouts, mosquito repellant, swimming pool parties, watermelon, and vacations.

We are going to take a driving vacation this year. Haven’t done that for a long time. Normally we cram ourselves into a most uncomfortable American Airline seat near the back of the plane and zip our way to some far off destination. When we get there we unpack, head for the beach or the mountains and spend the next few days enjoying the fact that we can’t get cell service, so the umbilical chord has been cut. Hallelujah.

But this year we are driving. Taking Miss Sadie, the mutt, with us. She loves to ride in the car. We are going to take it slow and easy, giving ourselves plenty of time to stop and see the sights of our great land. I want to try a lot of barbeque. Michele wants to stop at all the local wineries. Sadie wants potty breaks every two and half hours with a treat to follow. Last time did this the kids were little and the oldest was reading out loud to all of us, the first harry Potter novel, which had only recently been published.

So that us. The all American family, piled into the family car cursing the back roads of the USA. All we need now is Dinah Shore signing: See the USA in in a BMW…(kind of loses the flow wouldn’t you say?”)

I look forward to traversing the country on our own four wheels. Would love to do it on the motorcycles, but with no side car we’d have to board Sadie, and we promised her the next trip she could come along with us.

It has been a long time since I got to see our country up close and personal like this. I plan to do a lot of photography and talk to a lot of people. Maybe you can read about here on the blog. I hope I get some good stories.

Well, it is hot here in Big D today, so I think I’ll go jump in the pool. In a couple of weeks we’ll be packing to head to the hills (or valleys as the case may be.) If you see out there on the American’s highways and byways, give us a shout.

And enjoy your summer. Stay cool.

Stuff, by John Crawley.
Coming to a book retailer near you and your computer soon. (like this week!)

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