Wednesday, May 30, 2012

There is a stench in Forida.

I have been following the adventures of governor Scott in Florida and his idea to purge the voter registration lists for the “good” of the state.

I find it ironic that most of the names come from heavily democratic areas and or minorities. Scott claims there is no bias in the process by which Florida is going on about their purification process. Yet, over and over American citizens, who have voted in past elections, who sit on juries, who hold driver’s licenses from the state and who have birth certificates or naturalization papers, are being purged. And still the governor states that his acts are legal.

I disagree.

Not since the McCarthy days have we seen witch-hunts like we are observing now. Wisconsin recently had one. Ohio tried, but their governor stopped it. Arizona (of course) was at the lead on this movement. “We don’t want illegal aliens to be deciding our government.” Like they would or could.

Scott is different though. There is nothing like honor at all in what he is doing. He is blatant about his actions and unrepentant when they are wrong. Besides, he even looks the part of a Nazi SS storm trooper, so he looks like evil personified. We shouldn’t hold that against him. After all, the minority leader of the Senate from Kentucky, from Scott’s own party, hasn’t smiled since birth and looks like he just drank bad milk. So looks should not a man be judged by – and neither should his color or his zip code. But Governor Scott persists in claiming that certain areas of his state foster cheating and election fraud especially from people of color.

The only election fraud provable in Florida, are the actions that the governor himself is taking. Freedom in America is going away if bullies like this get their way. Forget Obama taking away your freedoms (Although Miss Right Wing from East Texas you still haven’t replied to me about what freedoms he has taken so far), the actions of governor Scott will, if let stand, mark a turning point in civility and free elections in our country.

My favorite story is about the 90-something year old lady notified that she is not a recognized voter any longer because she was not on the driver's license roll.  She told election authorities that she had voted in every election since FDR's second term and she had never driven a day in her life.  She did hold a picture ID issued by the state as well as her voter registration card. When asked about that, Florida officials said, "Some mistakes will happen."  Over 3,000 so far. That would be enough to change Bush v Gore. A few votes in Florida can change any election. and Scott knows that.

You will never have to raise billions of dollars in super PAC moneys again.  Donors will not be necessary.  You simply legislate who can and who cannot vote and you put a corral around those who disagree with you and deem them ineligible to vote. It will be like a talk-show host hanging up on a caller he disagrees with. We’ll never have to hear from “those other people” again.

And you think the constitution is in trouble because of who is sitting in the White House? For get about it. The constitution in under attack from subversives wearing red, white and blue and calling themselves patriots. I am sorry, my Republican friends, but they are overwhelmingly coming from your party.

It is time for people like Scott to be sent packing. His actions are wholly un-American.

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