Monday, June 11, 2012

Why do you do that vodoo you do so well?

We walk a thin line everyday of our lives. On side of the line is that of human beings following the laws and mores of society. The other side is the animal instinct of fight or flight, kill to survive and survival of the fittest. With good dexterity and perfect balance, we walk this line in harmony as we move thorough life. We walk it without even thinking about it.

The things we do, things we say, the way we respond to each other – it all part of the fabric of that line. But then there are times we slip. We falter. We go too far to one side over the other (Usually to the animal side).

Theologians say the way we choose to straddle that thin line is determined by free will. I would like to think they are right. But a recent set of studies, one in Germany and one in California (I know you can’t trust it if it came from the Left Coast…but keep and open mind here) showed that DNA and the coding of an individuals personality has a lot more to do with their decision making ability and the choices they make than nurture or teaching or exposure to society’s rights and wrongs.

I am not sure if these two studies are the definitive answer to what makes people do what they do, but it totally reshapes the argument for the death penalty if they are, in fact, correct.

The placement of amino acids and proteins along a thin line and then twisted around itself, is a small thing. Infinitesimally small. But it is huge, if it is the controlling factor in the way humans interact with one another and carry on about the business of daily life. Don’t know the answers here yet, just posing an interesting question.

What made you bully that kid?  Why did you pick chocolate ice cream? Why did you kill your neighbor’s wife after lusting for her?

DNA. It may do more than solve crimes in the future. It may prevent them from ever happening.


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