Thursday, June 28, 2012

Five to Four: A close call for what ails us.

5 to 4.   

That is the difference in America taking care of its own, or turning its back on its less fortunate, it’s sick and its under-insured.

I didn’t expect this outcome, especially with Justice Roberts stepping over the line and being the deciding vote.  But I give him his due, he dug deep and wrote a tough opinion. He had to know he was upsetting his right-wing colleagues. but he did what was right for America.

It is Congress who passed the law and it is up to the Administration to see that it is carried out. But what this really says, is that on a very narrow – a paper-thin margin, America has come of age in our health coverage for all citizens. ALL CITIZENS.

To the four who ruled against the coverage, I must admit at this writing, I have not yet read your positions. But if they are like the other opinions you have crafted recently, I am sure much scorn is due you way.  It won’t come from me. I am simply satisfied that Americans can now get complete coverage the way most of the world does.

And thank you, Mitt Romney, for developing a model for us to follow when you were governor of Massachusetts. I realize you will distance yourself from it until after Tampa, but thanks anyway.

A sigh of relief.


And for the lady in the CNN picture in front of SCOUS this morning with a sign that read “Obamacare is Immoral,” I would remind her that the definition of immoral doesn’t cover helping fellow citizens who need assistance with healthcare. Plus, ObamaCare is now constitutional. So put away your signs and go back under the rock from which you came. Sorry to pick on the woman, but the word immoral struck me as callus and insensitive, considering that people health was at stake.

Now, let’s turn our collective attention to the deficient and the budget and lets work together to improve both. Spend less. Tax a bit more (I know I hate it too, but it is the medicine we must take). And give our children a fighting chance not to have a country drowned in red.

One final note:  Governor Perry of Texas…you lost.

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