Sunday, June 24, 2012

A snapshot of what is wrong in America today.

Clarence, you should know better. And so should your wife. But you don’t. you don’t have to because in the conservative movement afoot in America, following the laws and playing by the rules is passé.  Clarence, you are the quiet one on the bench, but one who has sided with the conservative administration in Washington during the Bush years 100% of the time. That’s okay. It is your right to feel that way. You just shouldn’t make money at the country’s expenses feeling and voting and rendering verdicts that way.

That is unethical.

And since you sit on the highest bench of the land, when you do something that unethical, you should step down, or at least be impeached and then forced to step down.

I never had a problem with you having a public hair on your coke can. But getting paid huge sums of money by the very side who is arguing cases before your court is a disgrace.

Step aside Clarence. You have tainted your vote.

Order John Crawley's new novel, Stuff, from Amazon or LULU Press today. The books will soon be at other national booksellers by the end of the week.

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