Okay yesterday I had some fun at the expenses of some of my
Republican friends. The blank page was only symbolic of Rick Santorum’s ideas.
Mitt actually has one or two that are good. If he would get his nose out of the
ass of the extreme right leadership in this country, he would probably make a
fairly decent president. As it is, he is a brown nose, flip flopper who stands
for nothing and looks extremely week on foreign policy.
That being said, lets move on to today’s topic.
The United States Supreme Court is a mess.
The United States Supreme Court has the lowest acceptance
figures in over fifty years. Less than half the people in the country agree
with them or think they are doing a good job interpreting the constitution
fairly – and more than 45% of us think they are making their decisions based on
personal, political and religious beliefs, rather than objective scholarly
vetting of law that they were sent there to do in the first place.
I have said it a millions times but I am going to say it
again. This Roberts court sucks. It
is bad for America. In fact it is down right treasonous.
Roberts, Scalia, Thomas, Kennedy. And Alito are the worst
justices I have ever seen. Not because I do not agree with them. I haven’t
agreed with a lot of court rulings. But they were sound and based on logic and
the rule of law. This court is NOT.
I move we impeach Roberts,
Scalia, Thomas, Kennedy. And Alito. The grounds…incompetence in the office
they were nominated and voted to hold. Do I hear a second?
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