Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Dressed to fly

So, now Southwest Airlines wants to be the judge and jury on what is appropriate for a woman to wear on one of their flights. This, the same airline that gave us skin tight hot pants and go-go boots, is now telling women your skirts are too short, you necklines too low and the words on your t-shirts are offensive.

Yesterday’s offense marks about the fifth time this year that the cheap airline has made the news kicking someone off its flight it deemed inappropriately attired. Really? Your female gate agents in Dallas are that good – that they can spot a fashion terrorists.  And why in Dallas, the hot bed of neo-right wing churches do these reports come from? Salt Lake City?  Nope. Boise?  No way. Vegas? You’re kidding of course.  Just Dallas and the ultraconservative mind set of a few miss-guided gate agents (who happen to be all female so far.)

I was about to spend a couple of grand flying some folks around this summer on SWA, but I am not now. I am going to use American Airlines, as much as I dislike them and what they are doing to the unions, I will at least abide their taste tests. If you pay, you fly, as long as your fly is zipped and remains so.  I can live with that.

In each of the Southwest incidents, airline spokespeople have had to come on an apologize to the wrongfully delayed passenger(s) for an over exuberant employee. In other words, the bubble-headed bleach blonde at the gate screwed up and we’re terribly sorry, here is a free ticket to fly anywhere SWA goes.

It is time we move past this. Time we focused our energies on important things. Like impeaching the Supreme Court if they overturn Affordable Healthcare Act. (Odds are that they will.)

So in conclusion, fly Southwest if you feel your wardrobe is up to their gate agent standards. And cover you face and the top of your head and do not let your ankles show. Good trip!

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