Monday, June 18, 2012

Are you sick of the GOP?

They talk of things like family values. They sing the praises of those who defend the righteous way of life as espoused by the so-called Christian church. Then they try to withhold insurance coverage from cancer patients. 

Yes it happened yesterday as a GOP representative tried in vain to get a bill passed that would allow business not to have to cover workers with cancer in their insurance plans. Really?  Cancer?

Excuse me you are sick with cancer…fuck off…we don’t have room for you in the Republican agenda. We want white, blonde hair, blue-eyed Arians marching to our meter. We don’t want the sick and the infirmed.

I wonder if Christ came back today and listened to the GOP, if he would even recognize family values and human concern in their platform? It is interesting that Jesus hung out with prostitutes, tax men: he called out for murders and fishermen to follow him and establish his church based on Loving God first and others second. Others…not the other 1% but all others.  Help the poor, dress the naked, feed the hungry and take of orphans and widows. Love your neighbors…and not just the ones in the McMansions next door to you, but all neighbors. Even the sick and the poor.

The GOP is a far, far distance from this philosophy. 

So, I wonder why the church in the US is so damn tied at the hips with this renegade bunch of hooligans. They certainly don’t care for the poor, the ill, the hungry or any other people who can’t give them money and extend their power.

Family values…the GOP preaches it…they just don’t act on it.

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