Wednesday, May 8, 2013

There is a wolf at the door dressed like an elephant.

This week the GOP showed both locally and nationally its hand toward Americans and their wellbeing. First in Texas, where Rick Perry, the man who thought he could be President, decided that Texas didn’t need to expand Medicare and in so doing is going to leave tens of Billions of dollars of federal funds on the table. Not picked up. Not spent.

So who pays?  You and I do. Take Parkland Hospital for example. Instead of getting privately insured recipients under Medicare coming to the county hospital, now local taxpayers are going to have to cover the costs for uninsured. Again. Rick is doing this as a political stand against the Obama administration. Pure party politics. He doesn’t consider the poor adults and the under-insured of this state important, and let me tell you there are plenty of them. But that same GOP led the Texas House of Representatives (Reprehensibles) into slamming through millions of tax breaks for businesses in Texas. Again, the common man will have to reach into his or her pocketbook and pay the difference.

Who are they trying to fool?  The GOP doesn’t care about the middle class. It doesn’t care about working people. It cares about big corporations and big money and power. That is it.  Get it.

And in Washington a bill is working its way through the messed up chamber we call the House of Representatives (although the house of vipers might be more appropriate) that would eliminate the 8-hour workday and eliminate the 40-hour workweek. On the surface, it is a set of labor rules giving employees and employers the right to negotiate for fixed salaries and remove overtime from hourly pay.  On the face of it, the bill seems like a benign deal. But dig deeper and you realize the authors are all union busters and want to cut into the fabric of overtime pay and union authority for‑ again, big business and big money and power. You think the GOP cares about workers?  Nope. What about the men and women it wants to build the Keystone Pipeline…nope. No overtime on that job, either.  What about compensation for work that exceeds 40-hours a week. Tough beans. Who is behind all of this?  Chamber of Commerce.  The Kock brothers. Wonder of wonders. And Wall Street loves it. More profit because we will pay laborers less and less for the work they do.

Wake up America. The GOP means Grab or Plunder. They are going to grab yours and plunder what is not theirs.

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