It finally came to me. That is what the Right, especially
their poster boy Mitt Romney, have in abundance. Arrogance.
It is the ability to look at the world and say only our way.
To look at a situation and say we have the solution and nobody else does. To
step into the firefight and suggest that regardless of the circumstance that
only their ideas will work.
Kind of reminds me of East Texas Baptist when I was growing
up. You either accepted our theology, or you were on the wrong side. Period.
And we had the Bible backing our position. (Even though certain controversial
topics from that good book were omitted in their teachings.)
Today the Right is the same. It has the same self-assure
arrogance that only it can save the world. Only the Right can bring America the
success it once knew. (The Right somehow forgets that in 8 years under
Bush/Chaney it went from on top of the world to bankruptcy…but they don’t
preach that from their pulpits.) And when you remind them of this fact they
resort to, “Oh trying to run on history are we?” No. Just trying not to repeat
it again.
It starts with the media moguls and their talk-show hosts
and it spreads down the food chain from billionaires to millionaires to old
white people, to people who have no front teeth and didn’t finish junior high
school. But boy do they have the answers.
Then the Poster Boy goes to Great Britain for the beginning
of his world tour to showcase his eloquent diplomacy skills (I am sure some
handler said, “He’s rich and they will love him overseas. He’s like a king,
like a rich monarch already. He will wow them with his charm…) and immediately
Mitt puts his foot into his big old mouth by saying that the London Games are a
The Prime Minister answers that the little Island nation
that Romney criticized is about to put on a spectacular show in one of the
world’s most hustling and bustling cities. Not in some out of the way
scrubville place like Salt Lake City.
Let’s check the score. Prime Minister gets 6 points and Mitt
is a -3.
We’re not playing political golf here, so Romney just fell
far behind. But worse, he showed he is not ready for prime time world stage
yet. In fact, the English Press said that Sarah Palin was smarter. Ouch.
Score now…England 25…Mitt -5. It is looking bad.
And it all started with Mitt being arrogant. Thinking he was
above it all. Thinking because he had staged an Olympic games in the mountains
of Utah he could pass judgment on a nation who is supposed to be one of our
allies. Throw a zinger or two at them. Why not. He’s a rich, callous American
with little sense about world politics and patriotic feelings. (God help us if
he makes a speech at the Wailing Wall.)
This guy is not ready for the prime time. He is not ready to
be resident. In fact, He is not even ready to go back to Bain Capital. (The
rules on Wall Street have changes so, that it is doubtful that Mitt could lead
them anywhere but straight down.) Just send him home. And let him take all
those self-righteous arrogant Right Wingers with him.
He, nor they, have all the answers. Especially not the
shallow, simple answers they espouse all the time. The world is a complex and
difficult place to steer a nation such as ours through. President Obama has
seen how hard it is. And you do not do it standing on the foredeck thumbing
your nose at other countries. You don’t even do it at home trying go it alone.
You need to build a coalition with those on the other side. Obama tried, but
the Arrogant Right will not even stop to negotiate. “Our way or the Highway.”
That’s what Obama got.
Oh yeah, I love the part about Mitt not wanting America to
become a second tier, unimportant power like England and Europe. Way to build
up our allies, Mitt old boy. Really good show, dick head. Mitt, keep sending
all our jobs off shore and that is exactly what this land of the free will
Let’s keep it out of the seat of power. Let’s put thoughtful
people there who can communicate and who can listen. Who can learn to work
Mitt is not in that club. And he can’t buy his way in.
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