Saturday, July 28, 2012

Fishing for voters...with the wrong bait


There is a theory among anglers that to catch a fish you have to think like a fish. That means you have to present a lure that reminds the fish of what lunch should look like. It should be moved just so, so the fish will think it is moving just like lunch should move. It should wiggle just so, start and stop just so and in the end, make the fish very, very hungry for lunch.

But even that sometimes doesn’t work. Sometimes the fish doesn't want what you are offering.

Sometimes you need to drop a couple of sticks of dynamite into the pond and blow the suckers right out of the water.

That’s what the Citizen’s United fall out is doing to the 2012 election. On both sides (although the right seems to have more dynamite than the left.) the Super PACS explode massive amounts of TNT underwater the the independent fish come floating to the surface dazed and confused. The idea then, is that the GOP candidates will scoop them up into their nets and waltz away with the election.

But wait. Something is happening. It is not working.

The fish are catching on.  They are swimming away from the big loud bangs and getting into deeper and safer water and ignoring the hoopla.

Two recent polls show that the GOP is losing ground. Too much mud and too little facts. Too much hate and no programs of their own. Too much noise and not enough listening. Too much chest beating and not enough cooperation. And when they do speak, they seem to put their feet into their mouths – this is true from the top candidate on down to the local boys.  (“Mitt the Twitt.”  God love the Brits. They tell it like it is.)

I have a theory as to why all of tis is happening to the GOP.

They are not very smart people. They believe in all the conspiracy theories and all the “we’re going straight to hell in hand basket if so and so is elected” propaganda. Whoa  to us. God will turn his back on us if we elect a Democrat. And then there is Palin and her Arab- hunting, Islamic -hating undercover agents telling her that the government has been infiltrated with spies far more deadly than any soviet-era spy could ever be. Can you say McCarthy? Can you say idiot. Can you say Glen Beck?

If America is one thing it is a pond of pretty smart fish.  Not all. Some are slow and stupid, but they will get eaten fairly soon. When given the opportunity the bright ones will bite a lure from time-to-time that is not tasty, but usually in four years they spit it back. But let the whole pond explode from the idiots and the big money and the Super PACS and watch as the fish will flee to somewhere else.

In some ways I laugh at the Kocks and the Roves of the world. Spend your billions. Spend your tens of billions. You are just turning off the voters – some are even ones you had before you started.  Keep the crap flying. It is working. For us. Not for you.

Oh yeah, one other thing…just try and touch my Affordable health care. Watch what comes out of the pond after your ass.

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