In today’s Dallas Morning News, (Wednesday, July 25, 2012) the
top lead story on the front page says that “Health law will shrink deficit, budget office says”.
Now wait a minute. After all the hoopla from Perry, Dewhurst
and Cruz in Texas alone, and from Mitt on the national campaign trail, not to
mention every billionaire’s Super PAC along with the so-called Tea Party that
the first thing they want to do is kill Obamacare, because it is ruining America;
the fact is the act is going to lower
the deficit. That is something of a major story. (Even though the on-line
version of the paper failed to carry it. Must be run by Young Republicans.)
So let’s get this all laid out nice and easy so my GOP friends,
who can’t seem to follow logic can at least follow this.
With fewer non-complying,
indigent patients – uninsured people – (freeloaders in your terms) the Act will
lower taxes needed to cover their care and that will cut federal cost by
$84-billion. (Hell, that almost as much as Mitt has hidden off shore…sorry that
was a cheap shot…we all know he has more than that hidden.)
This audit was run by the non-partisan budget office
especially challenged by Congress (Controlled by the right wing of the GOP) to
find the real cost of the Affordable health Care Act. (Obamacare.) By the way,
the same office warned us in 2005 that carrying on two overseas wars with no
taxes to support them would lead to dire consequences. They were right. Can you
say recession? Apparently the W could
not, or if he could, the Dickster wouldn’t let him in public.
Why am I harping on this today? Because this election is
about sound bites. Both sides taking cheap shots at one another. But an audit
done by people who over and over find the skunk in the woodpile on our behalf,
have said, “hey this thing is going to save us a butt-load of cash.”
It is time we listen to the auditors and not to Rush and Hannity
and all the other right-wing pundits. After all, the real reason they are
against the Act has nothing to do with the math behind it. They are against it
because of the man behind it.
And that is very petty.

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