Thursday, July 12, 2012

The Big Dick is Back

Mitt?  What are you thinking? Do you really believe the way to the future is back through the halls of the Bush/Caney White House?

Everyone seems so surprised that Dick Chaney would host a fundraiser for Mitt Romney, or put another way, that Romney would accept. Why is this surprising?  The same failed policies of Bush/Chaney are being espoused by Mitt and company.

Trickle down, cut taxes on the most wealthy and deregulation of financial institutions, increase military spending while eliminating social programs. That’s just to name a few. And you see where that agenda got us last time?  Double digit failure of the economy, a huge national deficit and finally the collapse of the real estate and banking markets.

To be fair, it wasn’t all Bush/Chaney’s policies that lead to the real estate debacle – Clinton’s ‘lets get a house for everyone’ policies certainly aided the down fall of the home mortgage market. But it would not have been so devastating, if the W and his Veep had not taken off the regulatory gloves.

And that is just where Mitt stands.  Get Washington out of Wall Street’s hair.  Cut back on regulations. Let us be freewheeling again. Can you say 2008? How about 1929?

This man scares me. Mitt I am talking about. (I had hoped we were through with Chaney, after his government-paid for heart transplant, but I guess we will have to endure some more of the Little Number 2.) But the fact that Mitt will turn his own campaign into any direction he can for support tells me he is lacking a true moral compass. Talk about buying an election? How about buying a candidate off?

So America, here are your options again.  More of the Bush agenda with Mitt in the driver’s seat, or a President that bucked the ludicrous system of trickle-down economics and tried to turn the country around. Not everything that President Obama has done has worked. Not by a long shot. But at least he is trying for ALL Americans and not just the glorified 2%.

By the way, Mr. Romney, I do not belong to the NCAAP, but if you spoke to a group of my friends, we’d boo you, too for trying to dismantle the Affordable Healthcare Act. And we find you a big hypocrite when you consider you launched the exact same plan in Massachusetts as governor there and carried it around as a badge of honor and accomplishment until your right wing buddies started to whisper to you, “not such a good thing, Mitt.” But not to worry, Chaney endured a lot of booing in his eight years. He probably hasn’t heard the end of it either. Nor have you.

American, you get what you deserve. If you have become a small-minded, hate-filled society, if that is what America stands for now, then you deserve Mitt and company. If you believe that big money and big business should run the country, Mitt is the perfect candidate for you. But, if you believe in individual rights and freedom and root for the small guy, the underdog, then Obama is your man. Very simple distinction, really. Big business versus big ideas.

Just remember, Mitt is getting funding now from the Vice President who lied to America to get us into the War in Iran.  And then convinced the W to slash taxes. “Why should we pay for this?” Want more of this type of government?  Vote for Romney/Chaney ticket. 

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