Monday, June 29, 2015

Let's keep religion out of the arguments of the court.

SCOTUS just said clean air costs too much.

It ruled against the EPA restrictions on coal and gas-fired electrical plants. (The conservative justices’ actual argument wasn’t that we don’t need clean air, but that the EPA did not take into consideration the cost of their regulation. The EPA has only been working on the economic model of their regulations for about a half a decade. With that in mind, I am not sure how the right-wing justices pulled that one out of their collective asses.  But I’ll give them this one, for the sake of the argument.)

But because they did, and we are now stuck with a non-regulated dirty air environment, I am going to use some right-wing, evangelical rhetoric  on you that has been bantered about the past weekend about the same court’s ruling on gay marriage.

Here goes.

God left man in charge of the Earth. We were ordained to be “good stewards” of the planet. That means its environments, its people, its animals and everything that grows, breathes and lives on this rock — we are burdened with the responsibility of caring for it.   God said it was our duty. That’s in the Bible. So it has got to be true.  Right?  Come on my Baptist friends…speak up here. What would Robert Jeffress say about this? It came from God so it must be true… right?

Now, the EPA was just doing what God had told us to do. It was trying to take care of the Earth.  Trying to be good stewards of our resources. Air and water being resources we use a bit every day, the EPA was trying to preserve their qualities. You know, being good stewards and all. But now this evil court, using money as its foundation, has decided that it knows, once again, better than God what is good for mankind.

Today the court thumbed their nose at God’s edict.  It said, we don’t care what the Creator commanded, we think money (…the love of which is the root of all evil…also Biblical…) usurps clean air and drinkable water. We think money supersedes the will of God.

Now…let’s see how many pulpits in America get exercised over this breech of old and new testament hypocrisy.  Let’s see FOX News loose its cool over this ruling. Let’s see and hear from all the candidates running for election on the GOP ticket take a stand for God in this argument. 

They won’t ladies and gentlemen.

Because actually following God is not important to any of them. If the gospel doesn’t fit their politics, they turn their face away from it.   What they want to do is raise your ire and collect money in their coffers from you. Because…even to the church…money is more important than God.

So every time the court makes a ruling for or against your political point of view, quit running to the Bible to try and attack it or defend it. Because if you don’t, someday the court my just quote Leviticus and tell you that you must stone to death your wayward children.  And I know a lot of preacher’s kids that could use some very hard stoning.

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