Friday, June 13, 2014

This time it IS Obama's fault.

Just to prove that I am an independent thinker, not tied to party affiliation (although admittedly liberal in point of view) I am taking on the White House today and most specifically President Obama.

As many of you know I have supported many of the President's actions, especially The Affordable Health Care Act, which seems to get under the panties of many in the GOP. But I've been down that road often enough, today is a new fight with a new enemy of the state: the current administration and the President himself. Oh how I wish it were the Kock Brothers or the Heritage Foundation or Partners against Gay Marriage, or the Baptist church. That would be fun.  I would even love to just with Karl Rove.  No, this isn’t fun. Because I trusted you and you let me down, Mr. President.

So what's the fuss? The Obama administration has told law enforcement agencies not to discuss or disclose even to courts the technology that is allowing them to use to sweep electronically entire neighborhoods for cell location signals. Let's say it another way. Don't tell anyone you are spying on Americans.

Obama — You are no better than Nixon in my book now.  This trumps all the good you've tried to do.  You are George W. Bush in sheep's clothing.  Worse — you are Dick "the dick" Chaney personified on the left.

Forget that this week alone two separate appeals courts have ruled against unwarranted surveillance by police departments using NSA technology, Obama says keep quiet about it and keep doing it.  Even threatening the courts themselves in their rulings because they were public.  Hey, this is fucking America, Dick Wad Obama. (How’s that for showing a lack of respect for you.  And remember, I was one of your most ardent supporters.) This isn’t your little play sandbox.  It is the fucking USA and we have a say in how we live. 


Is that clear enough? Sorry for the language being so rough today, but I for one (and there are many, many like me from both sides of the proverbial aisle) who hate this secrecy shit going on in our country.  You want to investigate me.  Show a court probably cause, get a search warrant and go to it. Otherwise, keep your god damn listening devise and spying to your self.

I am fed up with this.  And Dear, Barack, I am getting fed up with your smug attitude toward this. Edward Snowden was right. There is a cancer growing in America and soon we will not be able to talk about it at all.  Thank god he did what he did. You don't like him, because he pointed a finger right at you and called you what you are. The head spy on American people.

We didn't elect you to do that.  We had better and higher hopes for you.  But you failed us.

Turn this crusade around Obama. Turn it around now.  Americans don’t want to be spied on by the NSA, CIA, IRS, FBI or even a bunch of policy nerds at the White House. And we sure as hell don’t want our police canvassing our neighborhood with technology to see who is home in their beds at night.

I no longer support you, Barack. You’ve gone too far. And this is too important to look the other way.

Stop the spying.  Stop it today.

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