Monday, March 17, 2014

A truce (for a moment) in the war.

My little Sandy, our ferocious Chiweenie, found a nest of baby squirrels that had recently been blown out of a tree in our front yard. Normally Sandy is single-minded in her quest to chase every living squirrel from our premises, but when she found these babies struggling to get up on their feet and figure where they were — where their mother was— she backed off and lay in the grass to watch them. No hair stood on her back. No growling.  Just quiet curiosity.

One baby squirrel struggled to climb a short rock wall, which surrounds bushes and a pin oak tree.  It kept getting partially up the structure, only to fall back into the grasp of gravity and the high winds that swept across North Texas. Sandy inched closer.  She nuzzled the young squirrel and pushed it up and over the wall.  It was if to say we will face each other another day. But not now — today we are equals and I will help you.

The other baby was emerging from the downed nest and was looking for a way out of the situation when this crazy part Dachshund /part Chihuahua animal came over and nuzzled it toward the wall that its sibling had just scaled.  The second squirrel needed no assistance in making it over the rocks and into the bushes below. Again Sandy simply watched. Deed done.

Later that afternoon Sandy returned to chasing the bushy, tailed varmints around the yard, but these were adults who successfully avoided her short legs and yelping the lodged themselves in branches just above her head and tormented her with chatter and clicks, while raining pecan shells down upon her.

She sulked back into the house knowing she would fight another day.

Somewhere there are two baby squirrels that are singing her praise, but they too know that the day will come when they too must taunt her from afar with their calls of humiliation.  At least she takes it well.  To her she has done her job. She has kept the yard clear of these pesky, bushy-tailed intruders,

As far as Sandy knows, that is why we feed her so well. What she doesn’t know is that we let the pecans from our trees fall to the ground to keep the squirrels around just for her entertainment.

It must be how God handles Republicans and Democrats. They are each there for each other’s amusement.

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