Friday, July 13, 2012

Mitt has it all wrong.

Mitt, you just don't get it. We don't trust you.


Because you are two faced. In Texas we call that being  a liar. In Mitt's case i just think it is cowardice.

Mitt Romney passed an extensive Affordable Healthcare Plan (just like Obama’s…)in the state of Massachusetts, which he campaigned as part of his wider, more “progressive’ world view” in the earlier stages of the race, before the Cock Brothers got to him. He was also scared of Ron Paul, Newt and the Bozo from Pennsylvania. 

Now he says it was a huge mistake. Really?

Mitt Romney passed and signed into law an extensive education finance package in Massachusetts that helped make higher education more affordable for thousands. He now, thanks to folks like Karl Rove, thinks it was a huge mistake. 


Romney as governor, also put together a works package affectively raising the minimum wage in his state, as well as rewarding business who hired people in this plan and put them to work. It increased employment in Massachusetts. Now Romney with the urging of Hannity, Limbaugh, the Chamber of Commerce committee on the sky-is-falling and God knows who else, sees this as a down right socialistic act and would never support it again. By the way, the Democratic plan for jobs takes several important parts of the legislation from Massachusetts signed into law by Mitt as key ingredients in the Jobs Bill that Republicans continue to block in Washington. And Mitt salutes the Tea Baggers in Congress, calling them courageous to stand up to run away government spending. (He also wants to nearly double military spending in his first five years. I love that FIVE. Mitt, you only get four at a time. Remember?)

Then there is indigent care, increased hospitalization coverage for workers on worker’s comp and a law to effectively subsidize the Federal commitment for returning veterans wounded in our nation’s service. An act that gives to veterans in Mitt's state a chance for continued education and job placement. All wonderful acts that show a man with a quick mind and a big heart.  A man, I thought as late as last May. I might could see as President of the United States; a man who I believed to be bigger than the small minds that run his political party. But he has turned his back on these fine pieces of legislation, which he signed into law on his watch. Some on the far right didn’t like them, either. Really!

It seems that Mitt doesn’t recognize or believe in anything he has ever done…both good and bad.   

He was president of Baine when massive layoff and overseas outsourcing occurred, even though he has tried to deny that he was involved – he was only the president of the company. Duh! And the progressive legislative history he has, he has turned his back on all of it, saying that it was all a big mistake.

I think the mistake is thinking that Mitt can stand for anything. He has no moral compass. He doesn’t even have the balls to stand by his own record – a public record at that.

This is NOT the man we need as the leader of the free world’s greatest country. I’m sure that Obama is not the best President the USA has ever had. But he is so much stronger and smarter that Mitt, it is not even comparable. And to have Chaney say that Mitt is the only man capable of leading a country through a 9-11 situation is laughable.  He can’t even lead his own party without changing his direction 180 degrees about a dozen times. To lead you need integrity. To have integrity you must stand for something. He can’t even stand up for his own past.

Mitt, you want to be President? Stand up with your record and say, “I am proud of the public service I have offered citizens of this country thus far and I will continue to deliver that kind of thinking and leadership in the future. And you can’t buy me off.”

Oops…I put that last one in there and realized Mitt Romney is always for sale. He’s from Wall Street. They don’t make anything on Wall Street. They just buy and sell money, you know like the guys Christ ran from the Temple with a bullwhip. No, Mitt is always for sale. 

Not the kind of guy I want leading my country.

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