Monday, November 12, 2012

We need more election results!

We had a discussion around these parts the other day about the proper way in which to plan for your Thanksgiving Day meal. (Ours will be on Saturday because there is UT football game in Austin that our son will participate in versus TCU.)  So here is the dilemma.

What kind of pies go best with the traditional Turkey Day fare? 

a.     Chocolate
b.      Pumpkin
c.      Cherry
d.     Apple

Now all the guys voting did (e) all of the above.  It wasn’t on the ballot but it won the electoral college male vote around the diner table. So this is really asked to the ladies in the room. Which do you think?

At last count, Pumpkin was leading Cherry, but the margin was too close to call. Neither Apple nor Chocolate had enough mainstream support to sway voters on the fringes.  But apple with homemade ice cream was gaining some traction from the rural family members. A cobbler write-in even appeared late…it called for a “fruit” cobbler, seemingly non-descript generic fruit. It was tossed out on a technicality.

So your votes count. We will more than likely go with (e) all of the above, but it would still be nice to know where America sits on this crucial issue. And while you are at your ballet one last item – cheese or no cheese atop your green bean casserole? Last year we had a civil war over this one, with cheese getting a reprieve at the last minute. This year it seems to again be in a dead heat race.

Just give us your votes at the comments section on Facebook below this article. The election data teams are standing by, phones in hand, waiting to make the call…to the grocery store.

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