Thursday, November 1, 2012

The scariest thing about Halloween is the evangelicals

Halloween has come and gone and in our neighborhood that means giving out candy to all kinds of kids. We had a blast. Pirates and witches and supermen and even three harry Potters in one family.

Parents were polite and stayed back as their little ones came though our circle getting the goodies that their dentist will charge for later…but a fun time was had by all.

Why do I write this?  Because the other day a state legislator picked up on the Sean Hannity comment about Halloween and took it one step further…claiming the fund day as an evil day, a day of the devil and a day all Christians should avoid. Standing behind him as he made his political proclamation, were several members of the local clergy.

It is funny…the little kids enjoyed themselves and the parents were treated with warm greetings and everybody loved the one youngster dressed as the burning Big Tex…it was a night for creativity, in deed…so why the rancor about this day?  It is just one more thing the right–wing evangelicals wish to take from us. To return us to the stiff, stodgy old-fashioned puritanical days of their memory…too bad.

We celebrate the Harry Potters, the goblins and the ghosts…we love the candy and the door bell ringing and the little ones running in freight as neighbor Mike, looking like the Texas Chain Saw murderer comes to the door…sorry, we’ve had enough from the mouths of the far right. Quit trying to control our lives.

We don’t need you. Go away.

Go sit in your stuffy, pious churches and pray for us.  But do it silently and do it away from TV cameras and don’t ask for funding while you do it.

Stay far enough away from us that we forget about you.


That would be both a great treat…and a real trick.

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