When I was growing up we had Lady Bird Johnson watching over us reminding us not to litter on our nation’s highways and byways. Then came the “Don’t Mess With Texas” campaign that made it a state pride issue to keep Texas roads clean of trash.
Today, there is something new going on. Twice in the last week I have followed both state patrol cars and city police as people passed them in big trucks and pickups with all manner of trash and debris blowing out and onto our roads.
What did they do? Nothing.
No citations. No tickets. No even turning on their lights and telling the offenders to put a lid on the pile of trash they were hauling to God knows where. Is littering okay once again? Can we go around and make a mess of things and have no consequence for it? If so, the news media needs to let us know. I’ve got tons of stuff in my car and in my trunk I’d love to let loose on Texas streets and roads.
No. I think the problem is that law officers are lazy in pursuing trash offenders. What is it, a petty misdemeanor? I mean how much time could they get? And think of all the paperwork involved. No, just let them go and turn your head. A little litter is no big deal.
That’s the same kind of attitude the SEC has toward Wall Street crime. “Hey, it’s white collar stuff and nobody really got hurt. I mean no arms were broken or legs and knees wacked – right?” What about fortunes lost? What about retirement nest eggs that just disappeared?”
You see, if it is against the law – it should be against the law. Whether it is the trash coming from the back of a truck on I 20, or the white trash littering Wall Street’s investment banks. It’s still trash and needs to be dealt with.
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