Monday, April 23, 2012

A Modest Proposal

With apologies to Jonathan Swift, I was going to make a modest proposal for today’s blog. My suggestion was going to be that should someone come along an eliminate the Kardashians from public consumption of all kinds, especially on the Web and on TV, I would cast my vote for Mitt Romney – that is how desperate I am to be rid of these obnoxious, untalented and otherwise useless sisters. What have they done to be so famous other than have huge butts, huge teeth and equally huge appendages from their front view, as well? They have no talent.  They have contributed nothing to society, and yet, we worship them on evening television as if they had been elected in total the queens of the church worldwide.

But, as I sat to write this, the morning newspaper caught my attention and I saw Mr. Romney’s budget proposal. And as much as I dislike and utterly despise the Kardashians, this budget was enough to make me sick to my stomach and I have decided to do everything within my power to see that this man is not elected to our nation’s highest office. 

Let’s review.

Mitt would increase military spending.

Mitt would cut funding for national parks, school head-start programs,
assistance to unwed mothers and food stamps.

Romney would increase military spending.

He would cut back on funding for elderly in the forms of decreasing Medicare, Medicade and place caps on social security investments (unless they were privatized of course.)

He would increase military spending.

Roads and infrastructure would suffer under his new budget mentality, as would schools, hospitals, and funding for corporations to bring jobs back to America’s shore from overseas.

Yet, he would increase military spending.

Research in agriculture, medicine, education, population, clean water and clean air would be cut drastically. And forget about research into clean fuels and energy for our future. Spending on secondary education and on college and university degrees, as well as student aid would have a rather large knife taken to them.

And still, Mitt old boy would increase our military spending.

The arts, presumably Public TV and Public radio – too bad.  Public transportation, you too will see your funds dry up.  Mass transportation – forgetaboutit.

But new helicopters, jets, gunships, ships, subs, guns and bullets.  You betcha. And lots of them.  All we can buy.

As for paying for all of this.  He wants to cut the taxes.  Cut them deep.  But not for all  people.

A report last month by the Tax Policy Center found that his tax plan would increase after-tax income for millionaires by 14.5 percent while increasing the after-tax income of those making less than $20,000 by less than 1 percent and of those making between $30,000 and $40,000 by less than 3 percent. (Hey, yachts are expensive…come on!)

Mitt is going to take care of his friends.  The ones on Wall Street and the ones at the Pentagon and all of their contractor buddies, like GE, who hasn’t paid income tax for years (but they complain about high taxes on Fox News.  Can you say hypocrite?) . But my God they make good war stuff.

So there you have it.  Mitt Romney’s idea of a fair and balanced budget. Choke to death the things Americans hold dear. Stamp out our national parks our highways and our schools.  Cripple Medicare and Social Security. Get rid of school lunch programs and crop research, food safety inspection, housing and home heating subsidies for the poor, as well as funds for the FBI and Homeland Security and subsidies for farmers. But for the sake of God Almighty, let’s leave the firggin’ military alone.  In fact, let’s give them some more money to go fight more wars around the globe. Hell, we’ve never invaded Australia. What are we waiting on?

Yeee Haw…We got us another cowboy headed for the White House. Saddle up boys.

The Dallas Morning News said even the most conservative in Congress might have a hard time supporting this heavy-handed action. But he is the darling of the military contractors and the oil and gas lobby. Because in addition to spending on the  military he wants Big Oil to keep its precious tax shelters. No need paying, Mitt is getting rid of everything else.

There is a huge difference between the two candidates for President. Romney who wants to cut everything, but his rich friends’ taxes and Obama who has taken a more “conservative” approach and said it will take a decade to bring the deficit down, but you don’t do it in a recession and you don’t do it by cutting essential services to the bone. You slowly and methodically take your foot off the gas.

Let me make an honest alternative offer right here and now.  I say we elect the Kardashians.  They are a lot smarter and closer to the people than Romney. And right now, I think they can beat Obama.

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