Tuesday, April 10, 2012

GOP versus Women

“Republicans scored another victory in their war on women on Friday when Governor Scott Walker of Wisconsin covertly signed three bills that severely restrict abortion rights and access to contraception. After killing an Equal Pay law that prevents discrimination against women by employers, Walker signed 49 other bills into law, including three more targeting women.” (underlines are mine.)

The opening of a piece in Addicting Info about the new legal battle lines being drawn by the GOP against women. Now the GOP is going to deny that there is a gender war going on, but there is. Ladies, they are coming after you. And I am not just talking about reproductive politics here, I am speaking of social inequality. They see you as second-class citizens. And that’s where they want to keep you.

The Republicans are going to alienate the center of the country by stepping squarely on hard-earned rights of women.  And then who is next?  Blacks?  We are going to go after blacks next and take away decades of civil rights progress?  Don’t mock me. It could happen with these clowns in control. Then who?  Hispanics?  Already happening in Arizona. What minority will be left?  Cub fans?

The other day the governor of Wisconsin sent my diseased mother a letter asking for donations to ramp up his campaign against his recall election.  (She lived in Texas.  What?  There’s not enough support and money in Wisconsin for you, governor?) The letter cried hard tears about the “evil left’ and how it was taking our country down and destroying our morals and the character of the very fiber the founding fathers used to weave this Union together.

BS.  It is about saving this guys ass in office.

He has trampled over unions and now women and he will stop at nothing as a small-minded demagogue to place himself and his power-hungry minority in such control as to rule the Cheese State with an iron fist. And what happens in Madison spreads like wildfire across the USA.

It is time for depots like Scott Walker to go.  It is time for Tea Partiers to go.  It is time for Americans to wake up and realize the GOP has nothing in store for you but misery. They do not care about your freedoms as they proclaim.  They care about power and control. Period.

They want to control every aspect of your life.  Oh they claim they want small government.  They swear to you that government intervention in your life makes them cringe. Do not buy it.  Not for a second.  What they care about is money – power – and control. They want to intervene in your life: if you are gay, female, liberal or non-Christian. They want to jump right in and tell you how to live your life. 24/7.  Don’t think for a second they are against government intervention. If they truly were, they would support Roe v Wade, or at the very least not oppose it.

If you want the America Thomas Jefferson and his fellow patriots sought at the founding of this great land, then you need to clean house in Washington and send the President a Congress that can restore order, diplomacy and civility to the nation’s capitol. And that, is not going to come in the form of the GOP as it stands today.

The Republican party of today has become the party of the argumentative, hate-mongers, chauvinistic small-minded thinkers and backward looking bigots. Their poster boy is Rush Limbaugh. That should tell you right there what this party believes in.

Time to move away from that group. Hell, even the Bush White House was more progressive than the GOP of today.  And that is truly a scary thought.

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