Monday, April 9, 2012

Apple marketing: rotten to the core

If you are an apple fan or a Mac lover you might want to look away.  I know Steve Jobs was a hero to the world of high tech, but a lot of things he and his company did annoy me. Like my web site.

For years I got to post with iWeb, a tool, which came on my computer, to the Mobile We web site.  Now it is going away.  Sorry.  We decided to kill it. Just like that.  No questions asked. Hope you’re doing fine. Kiss my grits.  Nothing. Just going away.

Oh sure, it is rumored  I can move it to the “Cloud” and what then?  Wait a year or two when they decide to do away with that, too?  I want Apple to stick to something I can depend on. Every few years we get a new operating system that means trashing everything we own just to follow them. And believe me, Lion was no prize either. It kind of reminded me of Vista by the evil ones from Redmond. Where is the migration path?  Oh there isn’t one. Oops!

iWeb worked very well.  It was easy, fast and reliable. Why kill it?

Come on, Apple. A lot of us have built our businesses and our hobbies and our lives around the software services you got us hooked on and then you take away.  Steve is gone.  We can get rid of his childish marketing schemes now and become a real company that people can depend on.

Sorry if you are hemorrhaging over my disrespect to Steve.  But tough.  He was a loose canon a lot of the times.  And ending this web site and site builder is just another example. (Let’s not forget the famous iPhone earplugs…disaster! Or what about those ever changing laptop electrical plugs!!!?)

I love Mac and Apple products.  I just want you to support them for more than a few years. Come on. It is the right thing to do.

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