So, almost as soon as Bill Clinton got through speaking to
the DNC the other night in North Carolina, a friend wrote me and said, “More of
the same old Democratic lies.” Forget
that fact check bore out the former President’s claims. Forget that he has been there in the oval
office facing the pressures just like President Obama has. Forget that he
pointed out the Republican math just doesn’t add up.
Forget all of that; just show me what the other side plans
to do. Real plans not stump speeches. Give me the facts and I WILL LISTEN. I
So I asked my buddy, what’s Romney’s plan on tax cuts? Who gets them how will they work? And what
are the revenue consequences to the Federal Treasury with these massive cuts?
He didn’t know.
The loopholes he wants to close to tighten the federal
budget to make up the difference in lost revenue from the tax cuts; what are
He didn’t know.
Because the Republicans haven’t discussed them. Their answer
is, “See us after the elections.”
The huge increase in military spending, where are the
revenues going to come from, Mr. Romney?
See me after the elections.
The roll back of Medicare and Medicaid insurances without
losing any benefits; how are you going to do it?
See me after the elections.
How are you going to put 23 million Americans to work while
downgrading infrastructure investments in roads, bridges, cities,
transportation, schools and scientific research? What about education and
retooling the American worker for the new jobs of the 21st Century? What
is your jobs plan? How will you put America back to work?
See me after the elections.
How are you going to get the middle class to carry more of
the weight of the increasing debt load while the upper 2% get a huge break?
See me after the elections.
You say you want to dismantle Obamacare (a plan you
instituted in Massachusetts, in case you had forgotten, Mitt.) You say you are
going to repeal it. And replace it with what?
It has already saved American businesses and individuals billions in
cost savings and direct cash back from insurance companies. Billions. And what will you do to replace this groundbreaking,
free enterprise system?
See me after the elections.
Well, here’s some bad news for you, Mr. Romney. We want
answers now.
I am on your soon-to-be board of directors. I’m a stockholder
in this corporation you call America. I want answers before I turn your loose
in the boardroom at the White House. American deserves to know what you are
really going to do and how you going to do it before we give you the most
important job in the free world.
You see, I don’t trust you.
A lot of us don’t trust you. We think you are an empty suit.
Oh, you’re a good guy and all. We just don’t think you have
a clue as to what you are going to do.
You want to return us to Trickle Down economics. Well get this, Governor
– it hasn’t worked. It is a bankrupt idea. You know all about bankruptcies,
don’t you, Mitt. You’ve taken a ton of
businesses down and cost America thousands of jobs in the name of putting
profits in your pockets, during forced bankruptcies. Heck, Bain Partners made
an art form out of this act.
But hear me when I say, you can’t do that as President. You
have to represent ALL the people. You have to look out for the children and the
elderly and the unemployed. It comes with the office. You don’t just get to govern your buddies at
the yacht club.
So, I’d like to have some answers before November 6th.
I’d like to know how you are going to do things. The
competition has laid out a detailed plan as to how they are going to steer us back
on course. So what is yours?
I know, your friends on the far right in Congress will do
everything in their power to disrupt the President and his policies of trying
to get us to turn the ship of state around. They have even said they don’t care
about putting Americans back to work as long as the can get Obama out of his
current job. That’s real mature, now isn’t it, Mitt? But even with that
interference, President Obama has a string of major success for America and its
middle class. I mean members of your
party even voted against six job bills that would have put millions of
Americans back to work and would have done it now. Not after November 6th.
So you see, there are a lot of us who question you and your
party’s ideas about restoring America to its greatness. We’re waiting to hear
some details. We want to know where all this extra income is going to be coming
from and where it will go to buy down our huge national debt. We want to know
what you are going to be spending all that hard-earned money in the military
build-up on. The Pentagon has even said that they don’t need it. But you must
think they do. Or is it more pork barrel chits for your buddies in Congress to
spread around to their districts? Is that It, Mitt? Is all this about gland handing the American
people and giving us the old wink and nod while you go and grease the palms of
your friends?
That is so old school, governor. So very old school. We need
modern, new thinking. Not backward thinking.
We need some concrete facts, sir. Not any more of your
Right-wing sound bite rhetoric. We had enough of that from W and Chaney and
Rove. And even though your speeches have avoided mentioning them, theirs were the
same policies that got us into this mess to begin with – the same ones you
advocate today. (Is that why they were not invited to the convention?) As a
good business man you should know that if a plan has failed three times, it is
high time to move on to something new and different. Or do you want us to fail?
Do you want to take America itself into bankruptcy? What’s in it for you, Mitt?
I’m afraid you’ve flipped flopped so many times; we don’t
know what to believe from you, Mitt. So, show us your plan. Let us see if you have an idea with real substance
backing it.
If not, then I am afraid your fifteen minutes of fame are
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