Sunday, September 30, 2012

Let it rain. On Rick Perry.

The following is satire. I say that just because there are those out there who are dim-witted enough to beleive this type of stuff on the airwavges these days.

Fall has arrived in Texas. With it has come out rainy season. And we need it. We have re-entered the drought situation that has plagued the state since Rick Perry assumed the office of Governor.

It is true. You can look it up.

Now if he were black and or named Obama, or if we thought he was even slightly interested in the Muslim religion, we would of course say that the drought in Texas was because of his presence in Austin. It would be obvious that God was causing us to suffer because this bigoted fool was running the state.  We have heard it for four years. We know how it goes.

Thank goodness we are not like that in Texas.  We know Rick Perry has no control over things like rain or Libya or even the tide of jobless rates that seem to be driving the economy in circles. We know this, because we know the black man in the white House has had little to no control over those things.

Congress and its actions do. The state legislature and its taxation policies do on a local level, just as your school district, water district and junior college districts do.  But the governor – not so much. And the President, only slightly more than that.

And he doesn’t control the rain.

But we can say he does. We can say that because we’ve been in a drought in Texas ever since Rick Perry took office, he is the cause of our plight. And if we say it enough – if we say it loud enough and often enough, there will be those fools who believe it. And they will start marching and demanding Rick Perry’s head.  “He is causing us this misery. Impeach him!...Send him away for good.”

Hum, now that I think of it, it does have a nice ring to it, this strategy. Now, how do we get the Koch Brothers to back it?

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