I was going to write an article today about lowering the
temperature of the madness surrounding the election. But not so. I was also
going to poke a finger at President Obama and say let’s slow down on this under
the table Syrian deal. It’s not our business. But no. Some nut just made this election really
I was going into the grocery store yesterday and was getting
a bag out of the truck when I noticed someone had taken a key or a nail and
scratched in giant letters OBAMA across the face of my trunk. Then they circled
it and then put a giant X through it.
All because I have an Obama/Biden 2012 sticker on my car.
You see this cowardly idiot thinks if I have free speech
with my bumper sticker, he gets it too – in the paint of my car. That’s the
kind of low-life mentality we are dealing with on the extremes in this
election. Destroying personal property on a lark because they don’t like it
that Negro is in the White House. It burns their little Texas-Tea Bagger brain
cells out and they can’t think clearly – as if they ever could. When they say
we want to take our country back, they mean away from the blacks in 16000
Pennsylvania Ave. (For those of you going to public schools that is the address
of the White House.)
Sure, I’ll get my trunk re-painted, just in time for the
lease to be up. But I can tell you, it has solidified my feelings of the Right.
Hate-filled, small-minded people who are always looking backwards instead of
forward, who would rather scratch their thoughts in someone’s private property
than use logic and argue their points in a coherent civilized manner.
But hey, it’s more fun being an incoherent baboon. Just ask
their leader, Rush. That is where this vile contempt for others comes from.
From the large mouth himself. Who calls the President of the United States,
Un-American, makes fun of the First Lady for trying to help our kids eat a more
healthy diet and is glib about students shooting other students, and for that
matter weirdoes shooting Congresswomen in Arizona. Actually jokes about it on
No, the guy that scratched his political mantra into my car
was just acting out what Limbaugh dishes out. Daily hatred.
God bless America. And save us from these fools.
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