Thursday, August 2, 2012

Everybody line up way over here to the right.

The Economist recently wrote: (Spellings have been changed to reflect US English)
            Our prejudice is firmly in favor of a leaner state, but the Republicans need to recognize, as their intellectual forebears did from Adam Smith to Abraham Lincoln, that government has an important role to play in a capitalist economy, providing public goods and a safety net. Teddy Roosevelt broke up over-mighty companies, rather than doling out tax breaks to them. Why on earth are people who champion a small state supporting an expensive war on drugs that has filled the prisons to bursting point without reducing the supply of narcotics?
But the Republicans’ main problem is taxes. Successful deficit-reduction plans require at least some of the gap—perhaps around a quarter—to be closed by new revenue. If the Republicans got rid of loopholes, they could cut all the main tax rates and still raise more money.
This is an idea that Mitt Romney stood for. Before.  Before he got Kock money. Before he got Rove money. Before he got billions from his fellow rich friends. And before the Tea Part showed up to wag the tail of the dog.

Prediction:  Mitt will win the general election something like 53-47.  It may be worse than that.  He is going to kill Obamacare and replace it with something very, very similar if not exactly the same under a new name. He will structure it differently. He will force the Tea party to go along with him. the new insurance plan will be under the guise of tax relief.

Mitt will slash taxes.  Rather a Tea Party congress will and Mitt will sign the legislation.  And Mitt will then spend billions on revamping the military – money we do not have. Mitt must go along with it or …well let a Tea party strategist says it…

            "If we can elect a really conservative House and Senate that will force Romney to go along with our bold conservative agenda," Shell said. "He's going to have to really, really go to the right. He'll be working with guys in the House and Senate. He won't be able to get away with too many middle of the road policies, especially on things like the deficit." said Andrea Shell, a spokeswoman for Tea Party group Freedom Works.

Mitt will probably get us entangled in yet another mid east conflict, if President Obama doesn’t beat him to it. More on that tomorrow.

And we will go back into a deep recession. Key word – deep.  Why?  See the Economist article above.  And use your head.

The Tea Party is making big headlines right now for their crusade, but they are dangerously single-minded in their ranting and their agenda. There are many more chords to pull on to control the economy than just there simplistic view.

And, unfortunately, Mitt is not strong enough to stand up to them. He has already shown that by his flip flopping on almost every major point from his early campaign.

Save this blog and see how close I am.

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