How much voter fraud have we had?
How much welfare fraud?
How much worker’s compensation fraud?
How much Medicare fraud?
We have enacted laws that that make sweeping changes in the way one can get welfare, Medicare, worker’s compensation, and even new, harder ways to get voter IDs…all because of the hysteria surrounding the notion that the world is caving in on us. America is about to collapse.
Here’s some insight. It is not.
But let me ask this question. How much fraud have we had on Wall Street?
Got kind of quiet in the room.
We have been overrun with it. Yet, you let a Congressman suggest regulation changes covering the SEC and Wall Street and the Chamber of Commerce and Fox News stands up and all but accuses that person sponsoring such legislation of being a socialist. ..or worse… a democrat.
So we had Fox News doing an expose on the voter ID law and all the problems states were having controlling who could and couldn’t vote (at last check only the Republic of Arizona had actually filed any complaints with the Federal Election Commission on irregularities in Federal elections and that is because they think anybody who can speak Spanish is a communist outsider;) and Fox was telling us how the voter ID program was going to fix all of this. It was going to stop this rampant fraud.
Key word: rampant. As in everywhere. As in going to destroy America. Hysterics.
Later in their ‘news’ segment they took on a congressman from Ohio who wanted to see that Wall Street gets proper policing when it defrauds the American people. Un-American bastard he…according to Fox. How dare he try and stifle free enterprise with more governmental control, more red tape; making it harder for good American companies to make a killing (I’m sorry that should have read profit.)
Hummmm? Anybody else see the hypocrisy in this?
We are going to try and limit voting booth access to the poor, the Hispanics and blacks. And we’re going to do it with more governmental red tape and bureaucracy. But let Wall Street step out of line and nearly run us into the Second Great Depression and any legislation that attempts to police them is called into question.
You are either going to have government or you are not. And if the government is not here to protect the people, then what is it here for?
Which brings me to my next question. The same conservatives who are fighting all this governmental intervention in our lives, who are marching for less government, less red tape, more personal freedom…they are also the ones who want to control contraception. They want to say who can and who can’t be married. (Some even want to say what we can and can’t do in our own beds behind our own closed doors…but I don’t want to cause hysteria here.)
Now, does anybody see the hypocrisy in that?
What America needs right now…more than anything else…is a big does of common sense. It doesn’t come from the left. It doesn’t come from the right. It comes from Americans who are tired of seeing our freedoms trampled upon by state legislators and US Congressman trying to stop the hysterics: politicians who are pandering to a small, loud and obnoxious religious right in our country that is as dangerous as the militant hard-line fundamentalists in Islam. They are cut from the same cloth. (Oh that hurt.)
Why don’t we just balance the budget, bring the soldiers home. And plan for our national well-being. Maybe we can even cut the taxes some, while we’re at it. Sorry that’s not very exciting and there are no sensational headlines associated with it. Just going about doing the job we should be doing. Taking care of each other – taking care of our country – and paying the debt down. Keeping an eye on our own boarders wouldn’t be a bad idea either, instead of worrying what the hell is going on half-way around the globe.
And not listening to the hysterics.
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