Thursday, March 22, 2012

The freedom game

Just had a guy on Facebook write that Obama must go.

I found that interesting.  So I asked why?

He said because he’s taking away everything from America.  That was a pretty broad statement so I asked, “Like what?” I mentioned that our taxes were lower, and that the recession is over and unemployment is back on the right track and thanks to the President’s hard work, we have an Affordable Healthcare Act that gives universal coverage to Americans for health insurance for the first time in our country’s history. (BTW he did it using the free-enterprise system in case you are just itching to yell “Socialist” right about here.)

So what has he taken?  I asked the question,  He replied,  ”All our freedoms.”


Like what?  Name the freedoms he has taken from us.

I waited.  Nothing.  I asked others of the same cloth.  Nothing.  (I thought as much.  It sounds like something the Mouth Limbaugh would say haphazardly and scores of idiots think it is the gospel. “He’s stealing our freedoms.!!!”)

There is this mounting attack on Obama for trying to wreck America. He’s trying to undermine 200 some years of solid GOP rule in the land…What?  Oh the GOP hasn’t been around that long.  Hum.  Well the God-fearing evangelical forefathers thought we needed…what?  Oh they were Deists not evangelicals. Hum. You sure they weren’t Muslims? A lot of them had beards. Even Lincoln.

Seems that old Obama is just another President trying to run the country from the center. And those on the far right are grasping at anything they can throw at him to take him down.  And they will say anything.

Like Obama is stealing all our freedoms.

You believe that?  Write this blog and tell me what they are.  Freedom of religion?  Nope.  Freedom of speech?  I don’t think so.  Freedom to be stupid in a public forum– he is obviously letting that one slide.

So tell me…what freedoms has Barrack taken from you? (Can’t count anything that has to do with the Patriot Act, that was a Bush law…but I will give you five points for it, since Obama renewed it.)

I’m waiting.  What freedoms has our President taken from you?  Most correct answers win. If you win, you can write an editorial and I’ll publish it on my blog. Free.

But I need some entries.  I’m waiting.

What freedoms have you lost in the last three years?

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