In today’s Dallas Morning News there are not one, but two articles that describe
the condition that Texas’ Tea Party Government has forced us into. Conditions
that make us the laughing stock of America.
And this, from a newspaper that supported the entire slate of lunatics
that have us retreating into the 1920’s as fast as we can go. From a Governor who sees the immanent threat
of invasion by federal troops to a house and senate full of ideological nitwits,
Austin has become so out of step with reality that is goes beyond comical and
has become dangerous.
I don’t have permission to share either Steve Blow’s or Mitchell Schnurman’s columns, but do so as a public
service. In case you do not have access to the Dallas Morning News, I share
them with you today. Both of these men open the wound of lies and deceit that
Abbott, Patrick and Paxton have been
festering in our state capital.
It is time for Texans to awaken to realize the radical, right-wing, pseudo-Christian
Tea Party is a power hungry organization who will stop at nothing to get its
way, even lying to its constituencies.
From the Dallas
Morning News dated 6.5.2015
Blow Follow
Published: 04 July
2015 10:45 PM
Updated: 04 July 2015
11:24 PM
we could call it a ruse or a charade. But to put it in the plainest possible
terms: They’re lying.
public officials have been lying, and now the U.S. Supreme Court may decide if
their lies amount to something unconstitutional.
lost in all the attention to the same-sex marriage ruling was another action
the Supreme Court took in the final hours of its term last week.
court halted a Texas law that would have forced half the state’s abortion
clinics to close. The action is only temporary — until the court decides this
fall whether to hear a full appeal of the case.
it was a solid sign that Texas officials may finally be held to account for
their lies and underhanded tactics.
wish this did not revolve around abortion. That’s such a huge, emotional
subject that it almost obliterates the real issue at hand. And that’s abuse of
government power.
to set aside your feelings about abortion for a moment. This is about Texas
officials deciding they don’t approve of a legal right that all Americans have
and using every possible inch of government intrusion to thwart it.
they cover it all in a big lie: We’re only trying to protect the health and
safety of Texas women, they say.
know it’s a lie because they completely ignored the advice of those really
working to protect the health of Texas women — their doctors.
the American Medical Association and the American College of Obstetricians and
Gynecologists opposed the 2013 law, which forced extreme, unnecessary and
unaffordable new regulations on abortion clinics.
it’s a lie. And it’s a really cynical lie to claim to increase safety for women
when you’re actually restricting their access to a doctor,” said Jessica
Pieklo, senior legal analyst for the online publication RH Reality Check.
regulations in the law had already forced a dozen Texas clinics to close. Half
the remaining 18 clinics would have also been regulated out of existence if not
for the last-minute reprieve from the Supreme Court.
Texas women are being forced to turn elsewhere for this particular medical
procedure. Nationwide, abortion rates are declining. But not in Louisiana,
where much of the increase came from women traveling from Texas.
clinic in southern New Mexico draws half or more of its clients from Texas. And
women are increasingly crossing into Mexico to buy pharmaceuticals with the
off-label effect of inducing an abortion.
is Texas leaders’ idea of protecting the health of Texas women?
Schnurman Follow
Published: 04 July
2015 06:16 PM
Updated: 04 July 2015
08:29 PM
before the Supreme Court upheld the Affordable Care Act last month, Gov. Greg
Abbott was railing against it.
is not the time to double down on the welfare state,” Abbott wrote in an op-ed
piece in the National Review. The headline read: “Congress and
Governors: Just Say No to Obamacare.”
was anticipating the law would be rejected, but the court voted the other way,
6-3. And that’s not the only way he was wide of the mark.
the ruling, Abbott wrote, “Employers won’t face the job-killing Obamacare
penalties” in states that refuse to buy into the law, such as Texas. And he
urged them to move here.
proudly welcome more by doing everything I can to end Obamacare in Texas,” he
may play to his base, but it’s just flat wrong. His rhetoric won’t move Texas
ahead on health care, and it’s not a clarion call to business.
confused by his remarks,” said Bill Hammond, CEO of the Texas Association of
Business. “It doesn’t work like that.”
states have latitude in how they approach the health law, it’s a national
program. No one can escape the mandate for coverage by simply moving to a state
that opposes the ACA. Taxpayers, employers and providers also can’t avoid
paying their share by living somewhere that doesn’t embrace it.
paying for health reform. But Texas is lagging big-time in what it gets back.
has the highest uninsured rate in the country, roughly 1 in 4 residents. And it
trails the U.S. average in enrollment on, the exchange that
provides federal subsidies for most of its customers.
theory, no state has more to gain from affordable coverage for all. But Texas
leaders are constantly dissing the law and forgoing billions in federal
dollars. Money is the main reason business groups, including Hammond’s, want to
expand Medicaid.
sign-ups lag
Texas extended the program to low-income adults, as have 29 states and
Washington, over 1 million residents would get coverage — with federal money
paying for nearly all of it.
even more Texans, over 3 million in total, are eligible to buy insurance on the
exchange. Yet just 32 percent of them enrolled this year, according to the
Kaiser Family Foundation.
that’s an improvement from 2014, the national average is 36 percent. Many large
states enrolled over 40 percent, and Florida hit 57 percent. Florida enrolled
almost half a million more than much-larger Texas.
lawmakers in Florida often criticize Obamacare. But the state has exceptional
outreach efforts among nonprofits and community groups, especially around Miami
and the central part of the state.
that point, would we see any of these personally invasive laws if they were
directed at Texas men?
Texas men being forced to hear state-mandated information read to them before
being allowed to make a decision.
Texas men being forced to submit to a medically unnecessary ultrasound
examination and a 24-hour waiting period before being able to exercise a legal
then imagine a big lie about it all being for the health and safety of those
can’t see the Texas Legislature standing for it one minute.
I’m not trying to sway your feelings about abortion itself. You may feel
strongly that it’s wrong. I respect that. But one of the earliest philosophical
points we learn as children is that two wrongs don’t make a right.
weekend, we’re celebrating our American freedoms. And Texas leaders profess to
be unrivaled in their passion to defend those liberties.
part of being American is protecting the freedom of others to make decisions
that you would never make for yourself. On that test of patriotism, Texas
leaders have failed miserably.
it will take the U.S. Supreme Court to set things right.
Texas, large metro areas benefited from the work of consumer groups, local
leaders and insurers. But the response has varied widely. In the College
Station area, as few as 12 percent of those who were eligible signed up for
coverage, Kaiser said. The share topped 81 percent in some Houston suburbs.
northeast Dallas County, including parts of Richardson and Garland, 71 percent
of those eligible signed up, Kaiser said. Several other areas — including
Coppell, north Irving, Duncanville and DeSoto — topped 50 percent.
there were no statewide initiatives to boost sign-ups, and a consumer program
ended a few years ago. The governor’s office, insurance department and health
department haven’t launched efforts to increase participation. And leaders
required extra training, background checks and fingerprinting for navigators.
from Harvard compared the impact of state policies in three Southern states —
Arkansas, Kentucky and Texas. Kentucky expanded Medicaid, branded its own
program and had extensive outreach. That paid off in the highest application
rates, enrollment and positive experiences.
up in rhetoric
performed the worst.
study suggests that state policy decisions are likely having a critical impact
not only on eligibility but also on who chooses to apply for coverage and
whether they successfully enroll,” the researchers wrote in Health Affairs
magazine last month.
finding seems predictable: More residents enroll if a state promotes the
program and provides more help. So what are we waiting for?
we tone down the rhetoric and try to work collaboratively for the citizens of
Texas?” said Steve Love, CEO of the Dallas-Fort Worth Hospital Council.
a starting point, he suggested Chief Justice John Roberts’ majority opinion:
“Congress passed the Affordable Care Act to improve health insurance markets,
not to destroy them,” Roberts wrote.
still have many concerns about the health law, including mandates and filing
regulations. But they’re relieved the court upheld it, said Marianne Fazen, executive
director of the Dallas-Fort Worth Business Group on Health. She wants the focus
to shift to improving the law, not repealing it.
want health care to work better,” Fazen said.
Texas’ leaders even agree on that?
One man writes about the ACA and the other about the health
care clinic debacle created by Austin. Both fundamentally flawed thinking that
is hurting Texans.
It is time for the lies to stop.
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