Let's think about that for a moment.
Dallas and Houston have just been ranked in the top ten cities in America with the worst air. That’s right worst. Ozone and particulates horribly high. And the reporting was done by the American Lung Association, not the EPA.
The EPA's job is to police our air and water to see to it that it is clean and fit for human consumption. And now as we are outgrowing the state's resources for self-policing and the EPA is stepping up its programs to clean Texas air and water, politicians from the right are calling foul.. (They may not be calling foul too loudly, for their breath is getting short...)
Let see a show of hands...all for clean air and clean water...that would be like at least 80%...(In Texas there are enough nut jobs that 20% would vote against their own self interest.)
So it stands to reason that instead of trying to get rid of the EPA, politicians on both sides of the aisle should be asking, what can we do to make our environment better and more livable? Of course BIG OIL and BIG Electricity don’t want regulation. Neither does the coal industry or manufacturing. Everybody wants someone else to watch out for what they pump into our environment. Heaven forbid they actually take responsibility of their own actions.
Getting rid of the EPA is a very bad idea. Defunding it as Rep Johnson wants to do is equally asinine. And it shows he is a political coward. Don’t like the EPA. Just shut it down completely. Oh you can't, you say. Too many people would get upset with you. So instead, sneak around the ledger pages of an appropriations bill and gut the ability of a governmental division that is in charge of making sure we don't choke on our own air or puke our guts out on filthy water.
The representative from Colin County is just another in a long line of right wing numbskulls trying to get the Kock Brothers and their political hacks what they want — little to no regulation and almost no responsibility.
And you people in Colin County elected this fool...I hope you choke on his hot air.
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