Wednesday, April 15, 2015

A prescription for what ails America.

The following story really doesn't need any words by me to explain how terribly wrong it is. there is noting the pharmacist or Wal-Mart can say or do that will change the fact that they put religion ahead of this woman's safety and health. This week in Dallas we have had a religious sect kill a young boy then try and "resurrect" him to cleanse him of his demons.The leaders of the church have been arrested, just as I think this phramacist should be.  If Georgia has a law supporting her, it should be found unconstitutional and thrown out.

Enough America.

Religion has gone too far.

Your religion has no business in my doctor's office. Or my wife's or my daughters' and son's. Period. Get your church and your governmental dictates out of medicine.

On another subject having to do with medicine, the Texas Medical Practice Board has just announced an end to TELEDOCS, the practice of being able to talk with a doctor via phone or Internet to receive medical advice and even prescriptions. THIS RULING IS WRONG.

There are times when some people's only access to a doctor is via phone or computer.  there ar4e other times a doctor has a relationship with a patient who is away — via vacation or work. Or a doctor and patient have established an on-going relationship but the patient has moved away.

Our insuracne offfers us a TELEDOC practice for the everyday aches and pains and sniffles that come with life. We can pick up the phone and talk with a doctor who is familiar with our region and tell him or her what is going on and how we feel and what our temperature is. He or she can then ask questions (just like a doctor sitting across from you would do) and then offer a suggestive treatment for the ailement.

THAT IS A GOOD PRACTICE.  It saves us hundreds if not thousands of dollars a year in office visits.  And that is the real rub. Doctors and their lobby are trying to squeeze every nickle and dime out of the local practice they can.  And someone has to speak up and give another side to the story.  I am doing it.  TELEDOCS are not the end-all medical solution. but they do play a vital role in helping trim time and costs from the price of medicine.

I talked with my doctor the other day( in person) and he said he had several patient who lived far outside the metroplex (that's what we call the Dallas-Ft.Worth area for those of you not living here in God's Fairytale land) and he treats them via phone all the time.  If they have something is he not sure about he directs them to a specialist or clinic near their current home.

The QUACKS in Austin got this one wrong.

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