Thursday, October 9, 2014

Contraception. The next battle ground agasint women.

The other day I ran my car through the local dealership to get the oil changed and a wash and wax. Apparently the guy in charge of moving the car from point A to point B changed my radio station, so that when I got back in the car it was on a Spanish station.  I reached over and began to roll the dial when I discovered it was on AM radio. 

AM radio is a vast land of all kind of strange elements.

Am radio has Vietnamese radio, Indian radio (the kind from Bombay not Navajo; although in some places the Navajo might well have their own stations.) there is all sports radio, cooking radio and even children’s radio. As I tuned my radio across the AM dial, I cam across a speaker who was making a very interesting claim.  It went something like this:

“We have defeated the abortion movement in America by making it harder and harder for women on a local level to find access to those services, which would kill the innocent fetus. We have done it step-by-step rather than in large chucks. It many cases it has gone unnoticed.” True enough, you can see their strategy played out across America.  Here in Texas they have done it with a quirky new law that closes abortion centers that are not equipped as an ambulatory surgery center. Most clinical procedures done in oral surgery, dermatological surgery and others are not done to this restrictive a standard.  So why abortions?  To limit women’s access to this service, pure and simple. And as the speaker cheered, “It is working.”

Now here is the truly scary part.  He went on to add, “And now we turn that same strategy onto the elimination of contraceptives in America.”

The bold is my emphasis, but I am sure the speaker on the scratchy AM station would be proud that his words are highlighted. 

So let’s think about this for a moment. As contraception has become more and more readily available for women in the United States, the number of abortions has actually gone down. (Again my emphasis) See the correlation?  So if these people were really trying to wipe out abortions, they would be trying to enlist the aid of contraception in their fight, not diminish its availability.

So the real truth is out now.  Ava Maria and Hobby Lobby, aren’t really after the protection of unborn fetuses.  Neither are the laws past by Rick Perry and  the Christian Right and the Catholic Church. They are after power over women.

If you tell me you are against abortion (except for those in cases of incest and rape where the mother’s like is at risk) then I can accept your position, so long as you also make contraceptives available to the public. When you say, ‘No to contraceptives’, then what you really are saying is that we want to control the women in our society by not allowing them choices in their family planning.

This is a very male-dominated, religious-driven chauvinistic worldview. It reeks of, “we don’t want people to have sex, unless they are going to make children.”  I am sorry…this will never happen.  Not now. Not tomorrow. Not in the year 2525. (Who remembers that song?)

But the battlefield has been laid out before you.  The ultra right religious fanatics want a woman totally under submission of a man and her body under the submission of their rules and regulations. Try studying Sharia Law and not find a very interesting parallel. We are scared to death of the Islamic control filtering into the USA, but it is coming from our own churches and temples.

So the next step in their battle is to turn away from national campaigns to stop contraceptives, and move into local and statewide attempts to limit women’s access to birth control.

Yes you can hear all kinds of very interesting things on AM radio. That day, I heard the future of the fight for women’s rights.

As a footnote to all of this, the other night I had a meal with a friend who is a devout something or other. I don’t care to mention his religion for it will only give them free publicity, but needless to say, he is a radical about this idea.  He is so frothing at the mouth that when the discussion came up that the restrictions placed on abortion clinics would actually endanger women’s health he actually said, “Who cares about the women? We are saving babies.”

I asked him what if a woman is raped or there is a case of incest…he waved me off.  “Doesn’t matter. God’s will.”  That’s what the Arabs say when they behead a westerner. “God’s will.”

What if the woman’s life is in danger or there is a horrible deformity with the fetus that could cause still birth?  Again…God’s will.

So when people tell me that ISIS is a threat to our freedoms and liberties and the American way of life, I also remember we have a sect of religious freaks here in America that are doing the same thing. Instead of swords, machine guns and bombs, they are using the state courts and legislatures to craft their cunning little exploits.

So what comes after contraception? White, male landowners are the only ones who get to vote?  Or an end to public education?  I guess I’ll have to keep my radio tuned to the AM dial. At least there, they are upfront with their strategy.

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