Monday, June 30, 2014

My faith trumps your rights. Get over it.

Let me tell you what I believe. I believe women should be kept locked inside the house. I believe they can only come outside with their husband.  I believe blacks and whites have no right to marry.  I believe in slavery.  I believe if you wear the wrong clothes or eat the wrong food or say the wrong prayers, you should be stoned to death. (Trials optional.) I believe that my rights of Faith supersedes any right of the government and its laws and its citizens.

Now take that person who believes all that and let him or her start a business.  Better make it a him— she isn’t allowed outside.  A company is started.  Under the supreme court’s ruling in the Hobby Lobby case, all of those religious beliefs conflict with the state.  They all go against the constitutional rights of citizen of the United States of America; yet, you are going to have to let that crazy person in the first paragraph have his way.  Because it is his FAITH.

Well, the real me, says Bull Shit.

The Supreme Court in a narrow 5-4 vote just opened the floodgates to all manner of lawsuits and litigation.  Bring out the Bible. Bring out the Koran. Get the quotations of Buddha and god knows who else and you’ve got a leg to stand on when opposing the state and its laws.  And not just the U.S., but any state.

No governmental laws or rulings can now stand in your way of enforcing your narrow-minded religious convictions on those who work for you; and in a sense on all of us, as well.

The Court has missed the mark again.  Citizen United said the rich can buy the government and now Hobby Lobby says the religious can disobey the laws of land because they want to— their FAITH gives them that right.

To the five morons who continue to push a right-wing agenda in the Court, you have placed us on a very slippery slope. I hope you are prepared for the tumble.

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