Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Coke got it right.

My family came from Italy and England.

My wife's ancestors came from England and Germany.

My neighbors came from Peru and Guam.

The people who live behind us came from Finland and Scotland. There is also a Puerto Rican and Colombian couple as well. And we all live in the center of lily-white, conservative, Dallas, Texas. Not one of us is Navajo or Cherokee or Creek or Sioux. Not a Native American among us; yet we are all proud, patriotic Americans who love this country and what it stands for.

And that is what the Coke commercial said so loudly and so eloquently. 

The United States is a melting pot: a country that was founded on diversity. A land that was built by immigrants from all corners of the globe. And to hear the small-minded brains rail about the commercial which ran in the Super Bowl, reminds me of how far we have slid back into the throws of the darkness of evil, mistrust and bigotry. If you listen to them, you would think that America was a white, Christian nation founded on the principles of Fox News. It was not and is not.

America is a land of opportunity for all. Regardless of color, creed, religion and sexual orientation. It is a land that was taken from the Indians by our forefathers. It is a land that we have settled and claimed now as out own.  But we — the people who live here now are not white only. Not Christian only. Not all Republican, right-wing only.  Some of us are even gay and lesbian. We are a nation of a mixed lot.

But we are a nation. And regardless of our differences, we are one people.  We are Americans.

Coke got it right.  Drink up. And shut up.

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