Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Show me the money.

I have just returned from Illinois, notorious for corrupt government and wasteful spending and yet, their roads, especially their city streets Naperville and Chicago as well as other burbs, were in terrific shape.  As compared to the streets here in Dallas and else ware in Texas.  So, I want to know where the tax dollars for the upkeep of our infrastructure is going?

Show me the money. Show me the cash.  Where is it being spent?

I just rode my bike along neighborhood streets in Dallas that are in such bad shape I was afraid that my fillings were going to be rattled out of my teeth.  In Naperville and the surrounding area, the streets, even in icy cold conditions with salt and sand on them, are smooth and unblemished for the most part.  What gives?

The same is true in Austin, Houston and other cities in the Lone Star State.  And our state highways (those not being turned into toll roads) are faring about the same.

What gives? It is time for an audit.  Where has the money gone?

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