Wednesday, August 28, 2013

The Middle East is a no-win situation for us.

Try and follow this for a moment.

We are going to bomb Assad in Syria. He is fighting the Islamic Brotherhood.  The Islamic Brotherhood is against the regime in Egypt. We support the regime in Egypt, even after the unlawful coupe by the army. Hamas (whom we opposed in Palestine by withdrawing support after a fair and open election) is siding with the Islamic Brotherhood, except in Syria where it sides with Assad.  Al Qaeda, whom we have chased and fought all over the Middle East is at war with the regime in Damascus, but if we bomb the regime in Damascus we will be aiding Al Qaeda. The Gulf States support the Islamic Brotherhood, and are generally against the embattled Assad but refused to take up arms against him; however Turkey is against the Islamic Brotherhood but is also against Assad. Turkey is a strategic ally of the U.S.

And so it goes.  It is more convoluted than a plate of spaghetti. And you want us to get involved with a civil war that is none of our business.  None. We have nothing whatsoever to gain from this action. In fact, we lose at every turn.

It is time for America to quit trying to police the world. Yes there are bad people in it that do terrible things, but we have all manner of needs at home that require our focus and our funds all for our future.  We gain nothing by expending lives, dollars and time in this conflict and chasing every dark shadow that moves overseas.

These are big people with guns and rockets and hatred. Let them take themselves out. It is not for us to save them. We can’t. Our track record proves it. Take for example Libya. We aided in the downfall of Libya’s’ strongman and what did it get us?  A massacre in Benghazi.

Our only true ally in the Middle East is Israel. If we attack Syria, we jeopardize Israel and her very, very fragile peace. ( some oil folks will say, wait…Saudi Arabia is an ally.  If you think they are, count the number of Saudi’s on the planes involved in 9-11 and tell me how devout the sandmen are to us. The oil-rich empire only cares for itself.

This is the time to put arms down and stay out of the fight.  It is not our fight. Let’s not make it our continued mistake in this war-torn region of the world.

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