Monday, May 13, 2013

If it wrong, it is wrong regardless of race, color, creed or party.

The IRS was wrong in singeling out the GOP/Tea Party based groups who applied for tax exempt status. Pure and simple wrong.

The fact is, all groups such as this, from religious groups to conservative groups, from liberal watch-dog groups to the local neighborhood fund raisers should be scrutinized the same way.  And apply a very clear, and high powered accounting microscope when doing the looking. 

Labor unions and churches for too long have gotten away with political pandering and public political discourse and hidden behind the tax code of the USA.  It is time the curtain be pulled back on all of these groups...left and right. And they be exposed for what they truly are — political voices of special interests groups.

The IRS was wrong in making their investigations only about the conservative groups. But what they were trying to do was right. It should be applied to all groups seeking a place at the political table. And do not let them hide behind God, guns or great ideals. If you raise a voice politically— conservative, moderate, liberal or whatever—you do not deserve a tax break.

Why should the tax payers of America subsidize the political discourse in the country? We have corporations, according to the Supreme Court, to do that for us.

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