Sunday, April 28, 2013

We don't have a dog in this fight.

“Islamist Rebels Create Dilemma on Syria Policy”
That was the headline in the New York Times yesterday concerning the problem with supporting the rebels over President Assad and the loyalists in Syria.  But there is a bigger problem. It isn’t our fight. We have nothing to do with it. And every time we get involved in one of these civil wars, we choose the wrong side and we end up staying there forever.

This isn’t our Civil War. Our’s is over— for the most part it ended in 1865, although there are a few hold outs in south Carolina and Georgia and Eat Texas who would beg to argue the point, but historians mostly agree that the American civil War is over — and Syria sent no one to aid us in the fight. We should return the favor in kind.  Stay out of the skirmishes and the bloodshed. We should not be the police of the world. We have enough problems at home to take care rather than go halfway around the globe sticking our noses in some winless civil war that the Arabs have hatched.

I am truly saddened at the killing and loss of lives that has occurred there. But we didn’t start it. We didn’t cause it and we should stay the hell away from it.

Saddam Hussein had Al Qaeda controlled in Iraq. He had the Sunni/Shite situation under control. But we invaded his country and now there is a bombing every week between one side and the other. Militants on both sides hate us. Why repeat the fiasco in Syria. Stay out. Stay at home.

We don’t have enough money at home to run our own affairs.  Why spend it on people who will eventually hate us anyway? We never learn in these situations.

America never wins when we get involved in these messes.  Never. Can you say Vietnam?

By the way, there is no major oil there, either.

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