Yesterday the NRA responded to President Obama’s call for
tighter regulation on firearms. They called it a breech to the Constitution’s absolutisms
in granting freedom to gun owners.
But historically, they are wrong.
We have limited the types of speech that have absolute freedom in our land. For
example you can’t yell “Fire” in a crowded theater. You can’t slam someone’s
character publicly without facing possible recourse. Freedom of religion, too
has limits set by a society aimed at securing itself and its citizens from
unwanted plagues. For example, your religion may not have human sacrifice.
Until recently you couldn’t have multiple wives (but that seems to be changing
in certain areas of the land yet again.) We have limited one man one vote to
those who do not have felony convictions. Even the freedom of the press is
limited in ways that have been spelled out by the courts over the last two
hundred years; both to protect the press and to insure that it doesn’t run
roughshod, unchecked, over citizens of the Republic.
In short, we have filtered the Constitution to help it
reflect the times in which we live and the problems created by absolutism.
However, that being said, the NRA feels differently about the second amendment.
Here absolutism is a must. All guns, all ammunition must be protected. Not
limited in any way, shape or form. To do so is heresy and un-American.
Now you may wrap yourself in an American flag and proclaim
your patriotic duty and show us your NRA card, but the truth of the matter is
that over 70% of Americans now believe some legislation is needed to control
the proliferation of high powered guns and large magazine that feed those guns.
70%. Can you image a Presidential
candidate getting 70%. That’s a mandate for change.
Guns aren’t protecting us. They are encouraging a crime
spree of shootings and killings that is growing each year. This, masked under
headlines which say that crime is down. But dig into those articles and you
will see that purse snatching and bank robberies may be down, home robberies
and con jobs may be ebbing, too, but murder and gun violence is growing. True
the FBI covers it up with articles about more deaths from hammers and
implements around the home than guns, but imagine the lack of killing in a
place like Sandy Hook or Aurora with a hammer instead of a semi-automatic
rifle. How many deaths would occur at Columbine or Virginia Tech with a hammer
rather than guns?
It is true that guns don’t kill people. They just make it a
lot easier to kill people and more of them.
The police chiefs and mayors of the twelve largest American
cities have asked for help in this epidemic. Law enforcement in most places
have requested aid. (True, some right-wing county sheriffs trying to make
headlines have pledged not to support any law coming out of Washington that
suppresses the Second Amendment in any way. These guys are crackpots and should
be driven from office by level-headed people who understand that gun
registration and limits are not a restriction to law-abiding citizens.)
We have had to title cars and license their usage. And a
stolen car unreported is a legal responsibility of its owner. Guns should be
the same. If your guns are stolen or lost and you don’t report it to
authorities, you should be an accomplice to the crimes they commit later on.
Guns should be no different than cars. We limit the type of
cars that can drive on our streets. (Just try and license a Formula One race
car…) why should we not have limits on the type guns and the amounts of
ammunition they carry in order to help bring the violence down? The answer from
the NRA is no. Period. No. absolutism at its most perverse.
We refuse anything that will help make America a safer place
for our children to live. How about that for an absolute definition of the NRA.
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